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    Title: 人才在地化:韓商青島個案研究
    Localization of HRM for Korean Companies
    Authors: 蔡奎載
    Chae, Mark (Chae,Gew-jae)
    Contributors: 陳德昇
    Chen, Te-sheng
    Chae, Mark (Chae,Gew-jae)
    Keywords: 大陸韓商
    Korean Enterprises in China
    Chengyang District of Qingdao
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 11:39:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 1992年韓國和中國建交之後,韓商赴中國大陸投資的現象逐年增加。韓商的投資區域主要是山東和江蘇地區。尤其是青島城陽區韓國公司密集,產生‘韓國城’。由於經營年數相繼增長,中國大陸籍幹部在地化現象也已經發生。韓商赴中國大陸投資採取長期經營的方針,並不會以韓派幹部為永久經營管理的適當人選。全球化過程當中,投資中國的韓資企業人力資源管理的運用已經漸採在地化的管理模式,培育技術人才和管理幹部,發揮本土化策略之功效。
    After the establishment of diplomatic relations between Republic of Korea and People’s Republic of China in 1992, investments by Korean into China continue to rise. Shandong and Jiangsu provinces take the lead in attracting investments from Korea, while Chengyang District, Qingdao witnesses the pool effects of Korean firms with “Korean Town” in place. The seasoning of Korean firms in the region calls for the localization of top management. Korean firms do not take it for granted that local subsidiaries need to be dictated by Korean people when it comes to long-term operation and continued success. The human resources management pattern of Korean firms is conducting the localization amid the era of globalization, by nurturing technical personnel and managers to bring local elements into play.
    Key Koreaninvestors in Chengyang District are labor-intensive, mid- and small-scale enterprises. In the year 2008, Korean firms get burdened by the implementation of the State Employee Contract Law, the rise in minimum wage, and the appreciation of Chinese Yuan (RMB). Negligence of Korean firms also gives rise to problems of labor. The present thesis strives to grasp how the labor management system operates in large, mid and small scale enterprises of several industries in Qingdao, draws out the degree of localization, and conducts in-depth analysis of situations and solutions.
    Exploratory research is practiced throughout the paper. Thorough interview were conducted to gather material, and analysis and confirmation is based on case studies. Compensation and position, the degree of trust, and the inter-action of local government, the Korean enterprises and the workers are at the core of the paper.
    Reference: Reference
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095925035
    Data Type: thesis
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