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    Title: 中國走向一黨”民主”?參照瑞典民主經驗
    Toward a “One-Party Democracy”? – Prospects for a Future Democratic PRC with Reference to Swedish Democratic Experience
    Authors: 施漢利
    Simonsen, Henrik Per
    Contributors: 袁易
    Yuan, I
    Simonsen, Henrik Per
    Keywords: 中國
    one-party dominance
    Social Democracy
    Harmonious Society
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 11:38:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: This thesis, “One-Party Democracy”: Prospects for a Future Democratic China with Reference to Swedish Democratic Experience, attempts to contribute further to the investigation on democracy in the People’s Republic of China. In a comparative and institutional analysis, this study aims to gauge a possible future way for the future democratic features in the People’s Republic of China to emerge by using, as a point of reference, the Swedish system of a one-party dominant democracy under the rule of a socialist party in a capitalist economy.
    Reference: Chinese Politics
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