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    Title: 工作滿意與績效關聯性之研究-以刑事警察局為例
    Authors: 曾咸超
    Contributors: 吳瓊恩
    Keywords: 刑事警察
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 15:08:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 內政乃國家政治之基石,而警政更是內政的重心,基於警察機關有任務基層化之特性與職位結構關係,員警處於政府與民眾接觸的最基層,而刑事警察職司政府執行治安工作之第一線,從事犯罪偵查工作人員更肩負各地區治安良窳,其服務態度、工作績效攸關政府治安政策推行與落實的成敗。本研究嘗試藉由從影響刑事警察人員工作滿意因素之探討與分析出發,逐步建立起刑事警察人員工作滿意衡量之重點、變項、因素及整體衡量架構。透過此一架構的建立,作為衡量刑事警察人員工作滿意及績效之基礎,並針對工作滿意與績效進行問卷調查。
    The internal affairs of a nation are cornerstone of its politics. In particular, the police administration is the central piece of the internal affairs. Due to the characteristic of the police organization that its tasks are community-oriented and the hierarchy within the organization, a policeman is playing the most fundamental role as the contact point between the government and the citizens. In contrast, the criminal police are at the front line as the government carries out its policy on the public security. Moreover, the safety of a local community strongly depends on the police force who is in charge of the crime investigation. Therefore, the service attitude of the criminal police and its efficiency at solving crimes would be the key factors in deciding whether the public security policy of a government can succeed or not. In this research, we start our study by analyzing the causes of affecting the job satisfaction of the criminal police. We then attempt to develop a rating system to determine the job satisfaction of criminal police. To achieve this, we introduce the key elements, the variables and the factors of such a rating system and its overall structure. By establishing such a structure, we lay down the foundation for criminal police to rate their job satisfaction and performance. The rating would be carried out in the form of the questionnaire survey.
    There are four major goals in our research. First, we would like to have a deeper understanding on the deciding factors of the job satisfaction level at the Criminal Police Bureau. Second, we analyze the difference and the correlation on the job satisfaction and performance among the staff at the Criminal Police Bureau, who have different population variables. Third, we examine flaws of the operation of the current rating system in police organizations. Lastly, we present our suggestions on how to raise the job satisfaction level at the criminal police organizations.
    The methodologies used in our research are “the questionnaire survey procedure” and “the interview-in-depth method”. In quantitative research, we randomly select half of the staff at the Criminal Police Bureau to answer our questionnaire. The staff being surveyed includes the administrative staff and the technicians who do not meet the requirements of being a police officer. Out of 438 questionnaires we handed out, 391 of them were collected. The data analysis was performed through various methods including the mean value, the standard deviation, the factor analysis, the reliability analysis, the Independent-Samples Test and One-Way ANOVA. For qualitative research, we interviewed 7 staff at various positions for in-depth analysis and comparison: 2 from criminal police administrative staff, 2 from crime investigation department, 1 from explosive special force, 1 from forensic science, and 1 from other administrative staff.
    Our study determines the job satisfaction based on two factors: “the institutional behavior” and “the individual behavior”. We also investigate the correlation between the overall job satisfaction and the job performance at the Criminal Police Bureau. We found: (1) the correlation coefficient between each perspective of the job satisfaction and the job performance reaches a noticeable level, indicating that there is a tie between each perspective of the job satisfaction and the job performance. The correlation is above the low to medium level. Other than the job stress, all perspectives are positively correlated to the job performance. That is, any of the following conditions would lead to better job performance: the better the senior management is, the better the compensation and the benefits are, the more the support from the society, the more self-motivated the person is, or the less the job stress is. (2) The correlation between the overall job satisfaction and the job performance reaches the pronounced level, as it is medium to high level. Since they are positively correlated, the higher the overall job satisfaction is, the higher the job performance is.
    In summary, the thesis is to develop a rating system of job satisfaction based on the goal of the research, the review of the past studies, the questionnaire survey and the in-depth interview, along with two different perspectives: “the institutional behavior” and “the individual behavior”. We also study the correlation between the overall job satisfaction and the job performance of the staff at the Criminal Police Bureau. Given the history of the organization and the difficulties encountered by the current system, we proposed the specific and feasible suggestions on the police policy, as well as providing the reference for the future studies.
    Key word: Criminal police, job satisfaction, job performance, criminal police organization
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