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    Title: 衛生署疾病管制局組織創造力之研究
    Authors: 尹蕙露
    Yin Huei-Lu
    Contributors: 蕭武桐

    Yin Huei-Lu
    Keywords: 創造力
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 15:10:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在一個知識經濟的時代,知識的創造與管理已成為社會主流,而其中最重要的人力資源是創造力的培養,惟有不斷發展創造力,組織才能永續經營。
    In the era of knowledge economy, the knowledge creation/innovation and management have become the social mainstream, and the most pivotal human resources are the development of creativity. An organization can continue its management forever only by ceaseless development of creativity. The organization creativity also is an incentive to keep organization expanding and growing, has the crucial impact on organization`s competitive superiority. Building up a stable infrastructure within an organization favor creativity may assist touching down the final goal of an institute.
    This research project has mainly adopted different approaches including literature review, case study and in-depth interview. Important theories, especially in the field of the meaning of creativity, creativity characteristic, job environment for creativity and organization creativity were brought together for comparison and discussion. Based on analysis the factors for organizational creativity, four key categories, job environment for creativity, creativity behavior, creativity skill and capability for organizational creativity were chosen as the topics for in-depth interview. Taiwan Center for Disease Control was the subject for this case study. Therefore all the previous General Directors of Taiwan CDC were the candidates for the interview to get insight the organizational creativity since CDC founded in July of 1999.
    This research project has several findings. 1. Institute leader is the key person to initiate the establishment of creative environment. 2.Middle class managers are responsible for maintaining the unimpeded communication channel for the establishment of creative environment. 3.Incentive measures mush be considered for the establishment of creative environment. 4.Fair promotion is important within an institute for the establishment of creative environment. 5.Organization must provide resources for the establishment of creative environment. 6.Good training programs are necessary for the establishment of creative environment. 7.Goals should be achievable and crystal clear for the establishment of creative environment. 8. Internationalization is vital for the establishment of creative environment. 9.Organization overall creativity is not equal to the sum of all individual creativity.

    According to the literature review and in-depth interview in this study, following suggestions were proposed: First, broad recruitment of elites into institute should be taken for development of organizational creativity. Second, concept of teamwork should be established as the basic foundation for development of organizational creativity. Third, support systems should be built for development of organizational creativity.
    Key Words:Creativity、Creative Personality、
    Organizational Creativity
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090921034
    Data Type: thesis
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