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    Title: 我國村里行政編組與社區發展協會關係之探討-基隆市個案分析
    A Research on the Relation between A village Administration and a Community Development Association In Taiwan-Individual Case Analysis on Keelung City
    Authors: 張維彬
    Contributors: 高永光
    Keywords: 互動
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 15:15:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究之目的希望透過對於村里行政編組及社區發展協會組織結構及功能的分析,以及對於其領導人角色暨實際互動情形進行探討,來了解他們之間因為業務重疊以及互動關係所產生對於雙方組織功能的影響,究竟是正的影響-功能、負的影響-反功能,或是完全沒有影響的非功能的狀態,並針對政府基層行政暨基層自治組織結構功能之整合提出一個方向。



    The purpose of the study is to comprehend the impact on the administrative organization of the village and the development association of the community caused by the overlap of their affairs and the interaction between them, with analyzing their organizational structures and functions and exploring the interaction between their leaders. Whether the impact is positive - Function, negative - Anti-function, or completely no influence - Non-function. Besides, the another purpose of the study is to provide a direction for integrating the function of the government grass-roots administrations and grass-roots autonomy organizations.

    First of all, the study thoroughly inquired into and analyzed the related literature about the organization of the village and the community. The study found out most of the related literature believed it was an undisputable fact that the organizational function of the village and the community is not easily seen. In addition to the analysis on the literature, the study also used the natural observation and the demonstration survey to research the original history, development , current conditions of the village and the community, the comparison of their system function, the interaction between themselves and local authorities, and the intergration of the function from the system and function ways. Meanwhile, the study interviewed parts of the villages and the communities leaders in Keelung with some related questions.

    The study discovered the organization of the villages is firm and conforms the requirement of its organizational function and goal. And its degree of being socialized is very high. It has achieved various goals under the continual change of time and space since it was implementated. It has been a funnel for the government to percolate and solve many problems. It is a small, economical and profitable organization. However, the development association of the community can’t achieve its organizational goals, function correctly , and even hurt its own existence because its organizational structure is frail, its representative is not enough, its role is indefinite, its members don’t understand the organizational aim, its human resource and budget is severely deficient and etc. Fortunately, most the development association of the community would seek cooperation with the village offices to hold some activities. They have good interaction with each other, which has made positive help for local harmony and unity and function of each other’s organizations.

    At last, the study makes some advice for the integration of grass-roots autonomy organizations. First, the village system should be continued to implement. Second, the village domination areas which have smaller ranges and less population can be combined and their administrative areas can be expanded. Third, pay more attention to borough officers’ feeling of being assistant roles. Fourth, let the development association of the community return to be the civil group. The government never interferes with it anymore and let it develop freely.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089921054
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