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    Title: 社會福利機構公設民營協力關係之研究-以基隆市政府為例
    Authors: 蘇先啟
    Contributors: 孫本初

    Keywords: 公設民營
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-19 15:00:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自一九八○年代起,歐美國家興起「民營化運動」的風潮,各國政府開始縮減其在公共資產及公共服務上的角色與介入程度,而將原本應由政府部門所承擔之功能,全部或部份的提供予民間部門參與。當民營化被賦予等同於效率與改革的意涵時,自然亦擴及至社會福利領域。政府也從福利的唯一供給者,轉換為與民間分工及協力提供的模式,從而形成福利供給多元化的發展,「公設民營」即是政府與民間協力提供福利服務的模式之一。




    Since 1980s, there has been a trend of privatization in the western countries, which have tried to diminish public assets and to limit the participation in the pubic service. Some of the functions which should be carried by governments are partly or all released to civil companies. When privatization is taken to be efficient and revolutionary, it is naturally applied to social welfare, and thus the government is not the only social welfare provider any more instead of cooperating or sharing with civil organizations. Consequently, the development of furnishing social welfare is various, and “Public assets run by civil company” is one of social welfare service provided by the public & private collaboration.
    Since the “Public assets run by civil company” mode can reduce the employment and costs in government and also take advantage of professional service from civil company to improve the service quality, it becomes a policy applied by our government broadly. Impacted by the trend, since 1999 Keelung government has had the new buildings or unused public assets be used as social welfare organizations which are commissioned to civil organizations and ran by the mode of “Public assets run by civil company”. In such short period, there are already four successful cases. Obviously, “Public assets run by civil company” will be the main choice to implement social welfare programs by Keelung government. However, based on the public-private partnership, would “Public assets run by civil company” be the best mode to provide social welfare service? Due to the organic difference between the government and private enterprises, in the process of collaboration, will the different roles, and positions cause the different points of view and recognitions? And will the difference of them influence the efficiency of outsourcing and the quality of social welfare ? The issues mentioned above need to be clarified and studied. This paper will take the Keelung social welfare organizations run by “Public assets run by civil company” as the study case to analyze and evaluate.
    Besides reviewing literatures and documents, the data of the study came from the results of interviewing the directors and staff in Keelung government and the managers in private enterprises which are commissioned by Keelung government to execute outsourcing.
    According to the results in this study, there sure are some differences in points of view and different recognitions existing between Government and enterprises; however the relation of cooperation still remains in healthy and good condition. Although the existing differences come from the direction of policy and the limited resources, them can be solved by the communication. From the side of Keelung, it thought that the differences occurring at the beginning of outsourcing has been diminished and achieved good partnerships, but from the side of the enterprises they focused on whom they are going to provide the service and on the manpower issue; however, the government has to focus on whether the city’s finance can afford and there are without difficulties in the administrative procedures, etc. The commissioned organization thought that the city launched the “Public assets run by civil company” program late and without integrated planning and support, so there are some fields needed to be improved, such as policy directions, contracts, conditional commission, responsibilities and administrative processes. Besides, the maintenance of the buildings and facilities is the most difficult and complicated issue in the outsourcing program, and moreover easily causing the problems between the government and the enterprises, and we can see the same situation in Keelung’s case.
    According to the difficulties mentioned above, this paper tries to study them deeply and to use the findings and results to give the city and the enterprises some suggestions on the level of policy and execution.
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