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    Title: 衍生性金融商品對台灣銀行業經營效率之影響分析
    Authors: 方麗菁
    Contributors: 鄭政秉
    Keywords: 三階段DEA
    Three-stage DEA
    Accounting Standards No. 34
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 11:05:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文採用三階段之DEA經濟效率分析民國93年至民國96年46家臺灣本國銀行的表現,其中第二階段依Fried et al. (1999)所示,利用Tobit迴歸將可能的外部環境因素排除,本文特色為在此階段考慮臺灣於民國95年甫正式上路之財務會計準則第34號公報及其對金融資產,特別是衍生性金融所造成的影響。本文發現:經二階段調整後效率值確有顯著的差異,故壞帳、公民營、衍生性商品使用程度、分行數等非內部經營管理所能掌握因素排除後,效率值確實改變;且衍生性商品使用程度,以各銀行衍生性金融商品名目本金除以總資產以為衡量之,將此一外在環境制度因素加入第二階段TOBIT分析,結果顯示其確實顯著的影響資本資金及投入等三項差額變數,且均為遞增關係。
    In this research we try to analyze the efficiency of Taiwan’s banking industry with multi-stage DEA approach. Following Fried et al. (1999), we exclude the environmental factors by running Tobit regressions for every input variables at the second stage. Among all existing researches focus on banking efficiency, this is the only one which take into account the effect of Accounting Standards No. 34. The new rule set up different concepts about how to disclose financial assets and derivatives properly, which may also change consumers’ behaviors. We find out that the second stage adjustments did make differences on efficiency scores. Also the usage of derivatives are proved to be significantly and positively related to three input slake variables.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0922550251
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