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    Title: 台灣與東南亞跨國家庭青少年外表形象、自我概念及族群認同間關連性之初探
    Understanding the Relations among Self-concept, Ethnic Identification and the Perception of Physical Appearance in the Adolescents from Transnational Families Composed of Taiwanese and Southeast Asians
    Authors: 趙佳慧
    Contributors: 馬藹萱

    Keywords: 跨國家庭
    transnational family
    the perception of physical appearance
    ethnic identification
    Southeast Asians
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 10:51:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探索台灣與東南亞籍跨國婚姻子女其自我概念、外表形象與族群認同之內涵及三者概念之間的關連性。本研究以質性研究方法進行,透過參與觀察、焦點團體以及個別深入訪談等多元方式從事資料蒐集並以歸納方式進行分析。本研究對象主要包括了五個類別的青少年:外表具有明顯族群特徵的跨國原生家庭青少年、外表不具有明顯族群特徵的跨國原生家庭青少年、外表具有明顯族群特徵的跨國繼親家庭青少年、親生父母皆為台灣人的跨國繼親家庭青少年以及特殊類別青少年。本研究產生幾項主要發現:(1) 跨國家庭青少年在自我概念上的形塑與一般青少年無異;他們皆能以抽象字眼描述自己,並運用多種不同面向以建構其自我概念。在當中,父母和同儕為影響其自我概念的重要他人。(2)外表亦為跨國家庭青少年自我概念的重要面向之一,尤其是女性。此外,跨國家庭青少年所持之審美觀與一般青少年並無明顯差異。(3)跨國家庭青少年均已發展出初步的族群認同,能選擇自身的族群身份以及運用族群相關線索來區分「我群」和「他群」。同時,外表特徵影響自身揭露族群身份的經驗與方式,具有明顯族群外表者較無彈性選擇族群身份界定與揭露方式。(4)對於擁有明顯族群外表特徵的跨國原生家庭青少年與特殊類別青少年而言,他人對其族群身份與外表特徵的評價,會明顯地對其自我概念產生雙重影響,其中性別亦為一個重要因素。對女性來說,明顯的族群外表特徵(例如膚色黑)容易降低她們對外表的自信。本研究的結果,期望能對跨國家庭及族群研究,相關決策者,以及台灣社會大眾做出有意義的貢獻。
    The aim of this research is to understand the relations among self-concept, ethnic identification and the perception of physical appearance in the adolescents from transnational families composed of Taiwanese and Southeast Asians. The study uses qualitative research methods to collect and analyze data, and the sample comprises five categories: the adolescents from transnational families with identifiable ethnic physical features, the adolescents from transnational families without identifiable ethnic physical features, the adolescents from transnational stepfamilies with identifiable ethnic physical features, the Taiwanese-born adolescents from transnational stepfamilies, and the special category. There are several findings from this research. First, the construction of self concept is similar between adolescents from transnational families and the general Taiwanese adolescents; they are able to describe themselves in abstract sense and present their self-concepts in multiple dimensions. Parents and peers are significant sources of influence in their construction of self concepts. Second, the perception of physical appearance is a significant aspect of self concept in adolescents from transnational families, and this is especially so to female adolescents. Moreover, the perceptions of beauty and physical appearance of adolescents from transnational families tend to coincide with those of the general Taiwanese adolescents. Third, the adolescents from transnational families have developed preliminary ethnic identities, which are shown by their abilities to indicate their ethnic memberships and to distinguish the ethnic in-groups from out-groups. Furthermore, physical appearance tends to affect the ways and experiences of revealing ethnic identities. Adolescents with identifiable ethnic physical features generally have less power to negotiate their ethnic identities. Fourth, to those adolescents from transnational families with identifiable ethnic physical features and the adolescent in the special category, others’ opinions of their ethnic memberships and their ethnically denoted physical appearances can powerfully shape their self-concepts, and gender acts as an important factor affecting this linkage. To the female adolescents from transnational families with identifiable ethnic features, their self-esteem is likely to be negatively influenced by their ethnically denoted physical appearances. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the academic fields of transnational family study and ethnicity, as well as to policy makers and the general Taiwanese society.
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