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    Title: 單一性別環境對國中女生數學成就的影響
    Effects of a Single-sex Curriculum on Girls` Achievements in Mathematics during Junior High School
    Authors: 林詩琪
    Contributors: 關秉寅
    Keywords: 數學成就
    Math achievement
    gender differences
    single-sex class
    Hierarchical Linear Model
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 10:49:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文從教育社會學角度探討造成數學成就性別差異現象的成因,以班級的性別環境為研究脈絡,研究影響國中女生數學成就的可能原因。假設數學成就的性別差異是受到後天學習歷程影響,班級環境中隱含的性別刻板印象為其中一個重要社會文化影響因素。透過比較國一到國三階段女生班和一般男女合班女生數學成就的異同,嘗試找出造成數學成就性別差異現象的成因,是否與班級性別環境、師生的性別刻板印象等因素有關。利用階層線性模式(Hierarchical Linear Models,HLM)統計方法,分析資料取自由中央研究院、教育部和國科會共同規劃的全國性長期的調查計畫:「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱TEPS)。研究結果發現女生班、數學老師性別及班級學業氣氛等因素對於國中女生數學成就有顯著影響力,但進一步考慮學校公私別變項之後,女生班的影響力即消失。
    The main purpose of this study is to assess the magnitude of individual and contextual influences to explain gender differences in math achievements. Adopting the hierarchical linear model analysis to determine whether or not statistically significant differences between the mathematical achievements of 7th grade students who attend all-girls classes compared with those who attend coeducational classes at the same time, and their academic performance after two years. The result shows that there are three factors that have significant influences on girls’ math achievement in junior high schools, which are the single-sex classes, female math teachers and the academic climate of each class. However, if private schools are taken into consideration, the significant influence of the gender composition of classes will disappear.
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