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Title: | 新聞媒介使用與民眾政治功效意識之關聯 The Relationships Between News Media Use And Political Efficacy |
Authors: | 孫天龍 Shun, Tien-long |
Contributors: | 陳憶寧 孫天龍 Shun, Tien-long |
Keywords: | 政治功效意識 政論性CALL-IN節目 新聞媒介使用 新聞媒介注意程度 新聞媒介暴露程度 External political efficacy Internal political efficacy News media use |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-19 15:43:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 政治功效意識普遍被學界認為是影響民眾政治態度與政治參與的重要因素之一,因為其為個人評估自己對政治事務瞭及影響能力的評估。另一方面,新聞媒介是提供民眾訊息的主要來源,從之前相關研究也發現,在民眾接觸大眾傳播媒介後,會對其政治態度造成一定程度的影響;不過,對於大眾傳播媒介的使用與政治功效意識的關聯,過去研究的結果則有不同的看法。因此,本研究試圖藉由非選舉與選舉時期的調查資料,透過民眾使用新聞媒介的習慣,來瞭解其與內在及外在政治功效意識的關聯。 研究結果顯示,不論是在非選舉或選舉時期,民眾的新聞媒介使用從注意程度與暴露程度觀察,電視是最主要的資訊來源,其次則為報紙。其餘廣播、新聞雜誌、網路等新聞媒介的使用率皆偏低;而電視與廣播政論性CALL-IN節目,有習慣收看、收聽的民眾也佔少數。 對於新聞媒介使用與政治功效意識關聯性的探討,在非選舉時期民眾對媒體所報導的新聞愈注意時,其內在及外在政治功效意識則可能愈高。不過,民眾收看電視新聞的時間愈長,其內在政治功效意識則可能愈低;但與外在政治功效意識的關係不顯著,代表與外在政治功效意識的高低沒有顯著的關係。 至於選舉時期,則是針對民眾接觸大眾傳播媒介報導的選舉新聞進行研究;發現民眾在選舉時期對於選舉新聞的接觸,與其政治功效意識的高低沒有顯著的關係。所以,由於政治功效意識是受到生活經驗長期培養而成,是深植於民眾心中長期穩定的政治態度;新聞媒介對於報導的選舉新聞則僅出現在接近選舉的一兩個月,因此這種短期因素較難與民眾的政治功效意識有顯著的關聯。 Political efficacy is regarded as an important factor to influence political attitudes and political participation. On the other hand, mass media nowadays are the main sources to provide people political information and may furthermore influences people’s political attitudes. However, existed literarature shows different views about the relationships between the use of mass media and political efficacy. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to analyze the relationships between mass media use and their impact on internal and external political efficacy. By conducting secondary analysis of national surveys, which were collected during the period of election and non-election, this study has the following findings. First of all, television is the major news media for people to get information, and newspaper is second to it. Radio, magazine and internet are far below the importance of television and newspaper in acquiring political information. Second, our analysis shows that during the period of non-election, the more that people pay attention to news, the higher internal and external political efficacy they have. If people spend more time on watching news on television, they have less internal political efficacy. However, there is no correlation between the exposure of news media and external political efficacy. Finally, during the period of election, there is no correlation between the use of news media and political efficacy. It is inferred that because political efficacy is mostly influenced by people’s life-long experiences so it is stable in terms of political attitude. Therefore, it is not likely that election news will influence people’s political efficacy in a short period of time. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 政治研究所 92252007 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0922520071 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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