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    题名: 美商資訊業台灣分公司女性最高領導者之轉型領導研究
    作者: 程怡禎
    Cheng, Yi-Chen
    贡献者: 溫肇東
    Cheng, Yi-Chen
    关键词: 轉型領導
    Transformation Theory
    Female Leadership
    IT Industry
    American IT Industry
    日期: 2004
    上传时间: 2009-09-18 09:34:53 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究以質性研究之深度訪談法以及次級資料分析法,探討美商資訊業台灣分公司女性最高領導人現象,以及他們的領導風格在運用轉換型領導四構面時之情形。
    1. 在美商資訊業分公司女性領導人之共同特質及背景方面:由四個個案的背景可歸納出,學經歷等專業技術背景,並非外商公司挑選領導者的重要考量,擁有外商分公司的運作經驗,掌握分公司運作的文化,為分公司賺取高額業績及利潤,才是能獲得全球營運總部青睞的領導人選。
    2. 領導風格方面:本研究將美商資訊業台灣分公司女性領導人之領導風格以Bass & Avolio(1993)的轉型領導理論四構面來進行分析:
    (一) 在「魅力或理想化影響」構面中,美商資訊業女性最高領導者,都擁有極佳的溝通能力,她們透過溝通的方式來影響員工,取得員工的信任,並主動接納來自員工的意見,積極營造組織內部互動的氛圍,減少層級間的隔閡,欲塑造一種「平民式的魅力」。
    (二) 在「激發鼓舞」構面中,美商資訊業女性最高領導者強調目標的明確性,並願意提出優渥資源,作為獎勵,在總公司設計,較輕鬆且人性化的員工活動中,表揚這些達成甚至超越目標的優秀員工,如同母親對小孩一般,或擁抱、或口頭讚賞的方式,營造家庭和諧氣氛,讓被讚賞的員工獲得鼓舞,並激發其他員工見賢思齊。
    (三) 在「智識啟發」構面中,美商資訊業女性最高領導者展現的類型為「存在導向」與「理想導向」。關心安全、信任與團隊合作的提昇,並願意融合多方知識及多元看法,為企業經營激發創意。
    (四) 在「個別化關懷」構面中,美商資訊業女性最高領導者表現較多在「發展取向」與「個別化取向」。領導者願意栽培部屬,開發部屬潛能,並給予更具挑戰性的工作。同時也願意與部屬培養互信情誼,重視與員工的互動,建立一對一的關係。
    3. 最後,本研究結合受訪者的觀點以及次級資料,認為這幾位女性領導人,在20世紀末同時站上美商資訊業分公司最高領導者的位置主要是因為台灣社會對於女性領導人的接納、美商企業兩性平等的文化、女性善於溝通勇於表現的特質,符合美商企業文化、以及女性積極經營人際關係的特質,滿足美商資訊業台灣分公司領導人,需與國際採購及協力廠商充分配合的角色。
    This research applies the deep interview method of qualitative research and second-handed data analysis to study the situation of woman leadership in Taiwan Branch of American IT Company in the end of 20th century. And analyst their leader style by the 4 scopes of transformation theory.

    The research findings can be concluded to 3 points.
    1. According to the 4 cases, we can find that the real experience of foreign business, understanding of business culture, and earning revenue and profit are the key concerns when choosing the leader in the branch of American company.
    2. According to the Bass & Avolio’s (1993) transformation theory, we can find that the female leadership in Taiwan Branch of American IT Company:
    A. In the scope of “Charisma or idealized influence”, they all have excellent communication skills; they can influence their employees through communication, and gain the trust from employees. They accept the opinion from employees and actively build the atmosphere of fully interaction.
    B. In the scope of “Inspirational motivation”, they all emphasize on the clear objective and would like to offer premium or even surprise as motivation. They praise the employees who performed well or even beyond expectation in the casual, public occasion. With hug like mother to her children or orally praise, they can build the harmonious and motivate other employees to act as these models.
    C. In the scope of “Intellectual stimulation”, these female leaders act as existentially oriented intellectual stimulation and idealistically oriented intellectual stimulation. They concerned about the upgrade of safe, trust, and team spirit, and would like to blend the knowledge and thinking from different aspects.
    D. In the scope of “Individual Consideration”, they performed in the way of “develop orientation” and “individual orientation”. They would like to develop their employees and give those potential employees challenging mission. They also would like to build the trust with their employees, interact with them and have one by one relationship.
    3. Last but not least, the research also combined the interviewees’ opinions and second-handed data, concluded that these female leaders can all attend this position right in the end of 20th century are mainly from the following reasons: The acceptance of this society, the culture of the American entrepreneur, the characteristic of the female which include good at communication, willing to perform themselves, and aggressively improve their relationship, which can satisfy the role of leader in Taiwan branch- need to be the bridge of headquarter and the supplier in Taiwan.
    However, female leadership is not common in local company in Taiwan. This research also finds the limitation comes from: the constrain of the work environment, the unknown of the role of female in working place, and the limit from female themselves.
    Seizing the future, due to the role model of female leader has been set, the self-expectation of female has been upgraded, and the entrepreneur put more and more effort on the female welfare and growth, the female leadership will be more popular and accepted.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0913590082
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