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    Title: 有機領域的創業與經營模式之研究
    A Study of Entrepreneurship and Business Model in Organic Industry
    Authors: 邱果旻
    Chiu, Kuo-Min
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng-Shang
    Chiu, Kuo-Min
    Keywords: 創業
    Organic Industry
    Dynamic Competence
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 09:31:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著科技的進步,人類藉由大規模機械化耕作以及農藥和化肥的輔助,使得農作物產量大幅提昇,亦使得多數人類得以免於飢餓。然而,現代化耕作方式卻破壞大自然的環境;大幅使用化肥的結果,造成地力耗竭及土質酸化;農藥亦破壞了自然生態以及成為人類文明病的元兇。此種情況下,許多國家及團體於近來均努力提倡回歸自然的生活形態,從最基本的飲食及衣著,乃至於美容、居家甚至健康保健等方面均興起一股訴求有機時尚的生活形態。因此,在消費者需求的一端,以健康及環保為主要考量而對有機產品所產生的需求亦逐漸成長。此種情況下,也造成有機產品相關產業上下游的發展。
    一、 有機領域既存企業之新創公司的進入方式以及其於面臨內外部條件下所建構的創業模式為何?
    二、 有機領域新創事業之創業者的進入方式以及其於面臨內外部條件下所建構的創業模式為何?
    三、 兩者在建構新企業後於經營模式上的異同處為何?
    一、 有機集團內部創業之新事業發展上,透過相關多角化的方式,有助於集團協助新事業共享集團資源。
    二、 有機創新事業之創業者於創業初期利用原有知識以及連結外部資源的方式,有助於核心能耐建構。此外,因內外部條件之限制與自身定位,於進入方式上傾向於選擇建構實體通路。
    三、 有機創新事業之集團內部創業與新創事業於發展上,路徑相依性扮演重要的角色。
    四、 有機創新事業透過高度連結外部資源的方式,增加自身可運用的資源。
    五、 有機創新事業根據自身定位針對利基市場的潛在顧客需求開發相異的商品及服務,有助於價值創造。
    六、 有機創新事業透過產品品質確保的方式,有助於潛在風險之降低。
    As the improvement of technology, people gain much more crops and keep most people from starving with the aid of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and large scale cultivation of mechanization. However, the modern cultivation destroys the environment. Under the circumstances, Many Countries and groups advocate leading a natural life. From the basic diet and clothing to cosmetology, living and health caring, people appeal for the organic life style. For the reason, the demand for the organic products is increasing gradually, and makes the development of the related industry.
    The past research put much emphasis on the discussion of the marketing or theoretical aspects such as the developing factors of organic agriculture, marketing strategies, and key successful factors. However, the research about the organizational capacity and the dynamic process of transforming of business model is less. For the reason, the essay made a research on the organic related firms with the means of case study in order to get new enlightenment and provide some suggestions for the industry and make some contributions for academia.
    The issues the research wants to know can be generalized into the following three points:
    1. What is the entering way the new-established firms of the existing corporations in organic field take, and what is the business model established under their internal and external conditions?
    2. What is the entering way the entrepreneurs in organic field choose, and what is the business model established under their internal and external conditions?
    3. What are the differences between the two in business models?
    The research adopted multiple cases analysis and case study to know how the selected firms made use of their initial conditions to establish the business models through deeply interview and secondary data collected. The research got the following conclusions:
    1. When an organic group develops the new business, related diversification facilitates the group to assist its subsidiary in establishing the business model with sharing the group’s resources.
    2. The entrepreneur of the organic innovative business uses the original knowledge and connects external resources, which assists the firm in establishing the core competence. Besides, because of the position and the restriction of internal and external conditions, the entrepreneur tends to choose to establish the concrete channel in the entering way.
    3. The path dependency plays an important role in the development of the groups’ diversification and start-up business of the organic innovative business.
    4. Highly linking external resources assists the organic innovative business in increasing the resource.
    5. Targeting the niche market to develop products and services assists the organic innovative business in creating values.
    6. Ensuring quality of products assists the organic innovative business in decreasing the potential risk.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, organic industry, dynamic competence, diversification
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    6. U.S. Department of Agriculture,取自:http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/usdahome, 最後瀏覽日期:2007.3.10
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094359025
    Data Type: thesis
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