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    Title: 新創事業的智慧資本建構與管理— 以某醫工公司參與BOO過程為例
    Authors: 蔡佩君
    Contributors: 溫肇東
    Keywords: 智慧資本
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 09:20:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在今日的經濟活動中,知識比自然資源、龐大的工廠、雄厚的資金,都要寶貴,也都要強大。由於知識已經成為現代企業營運最重要的條件,所以對於智慧資本的管理,也成為經營上最重要的課題。然而,新創事業在自身人力、時間及資源有限的窘境下,如何在生存及成長間求平衡,如何從實做中學習,使公司在穩定營運的前提下,建構自身智慧資本、管理之使其成為之後的競爭利器,進一步地成為加速企業成長的獨特競爭力。智慧資本對新創事業而言重要性不亞於穩定運作的企業,甚至更是新創事業用以自產業中勝出的關鍵因素。
    (1) 新創事業之智慧資本構面及其內涵。
    (2) 新創事業發展的過程中,智慧資本各構面間的相對比重、個別構面成長幅度、內容增長情形。
    (3) 智慧資本的建構過程,是經由哪些智慧資本的活動所進行,是否隨建構過程而變異。
    (4) 智慧資本的活動對於智慧資本各構面的內容及新創事業的發展過程,有何直接及間接的影響。
    (5) 對新創事業的智慧資本建構及管理作一綜合整理及建議。
    (1) 同一時期不同智慧資本構面的分析
    (2) 同一智慧本構面不同時期的分析
    (3) 重要事件對個別智慧資本構面影響的分析
    (4) 各時期間的智慧資本動態情形的分析
    (1) 新創事業籌設之初,智慧資本在構面間的分佈不均衡。隨著公司的發展及成長,智慧資本構面間的相對存量比重,將漸趨於平衡協調
    (2) 新創事業的智慧資本建構過程,是先「廣度」的延伸,再「深度」的蓄積,再由「深度」衍生出「廣度」,進而編織出專屬於企業的綿密「智慧資本網」
    (3) 新創事業的智慧資本構面中,人力資本及關係資本的發展過程分別深受「重要事件」及「客戶」影響。而結構資本的發展是人力及關係資本綜合後的呈現
    (4) 企業內部有效的系統及機制設計,以及外在重要事件對公司的刺激,均將加速新創事業內智慧資本的流動速率
    (5) 同仁間「向心力」及「共同目標」的建立,是公司智慧資本創造的重要啟動裝置。而透過組織專屬知識的創造過程,可以使智慧資本三構面間的流動情形更平衡
    (6) 針對客戶需求而創造智慧資本的過程,加速了知識在組織內流動的速率,更提升新知識及新智慧資本被創造的速率(正向回饋)
    In the business activities nowadays, knowledge generally plays a more valuable and powerful role than tangible resources and capitals. Since knowledge is one of the most important resources for enterprises, management of intellectual capital also became a significant issue. Well-structured and managed intellectual capital can be a company’s unique competitive advantage. However, for a start-up company, it would be a more difficult task than a well-developed one, since a start-up is more limited in manpower and resources, and busier in balance between survival and growth. But the importance of intellectual capital for a start-up company, which is eager to win-out from the industry, is even more critical than well-developed companies.

    This research took a medical engineering company processing BOO(Build-Own-Operate)project as an example, and concluded several important factors for a start-up company to construct its own intellectual capital. The objects of the research was to answer questions listed below:
    (1) The constructs and contains of intellectual capital for a start-up company
    (2) The relative weight and individual growth situation of intellectual capital constructs
    (3) Activities for a start-up to construct intellectual capital
    (4) Direct and indirect impacts for these activities to influence the development of a start-up company
    (5) Suggestion for a start-up company to construct intellectual capital

    This research analyzed through four points of view:
    (1) Individual development of three intellectual capital constructs in each time period
    (2) Development through time periods for each intellectual capital constructs
    (3) The impact of events for individual intellectual capital constructs
    (4) The interacting situation among intellectual capital constructs

    After all, the research concluded that:
    (1) The distribution of intellectual capital among constructs, which is not balanced in a start-up company, will be generally equilibrated.
    (2) The process of a start-up company constructing its intellectual capital is going extensive first, following with intensive, then extensive, and so on, to weave particular “intellectual capital net”
    (3) Among intellectual capital constructs, the development of human capital and relationship capital are impacted by “events” and “clients” individually. The development of structural capital is the appearance combining of human capital and relationship capital.
    (4) Both of company’s internal operating plan and external events stimulation will accelerate the interaction among the intellectual capital constructs of a start-up company.
    (5) Member cohesion is the trigger to create intellectual capital. Through creation of organizational particular knowledge, three constructs of intellectual capital will interact more harmoniously.
    (6) In a start-up company, creating intellectual capital will accelerate the flow velocity of knowledge, which will improve the creation of new knowledge and intellectual capital. It’s a positive feedback process.
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