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    Title: 跨領域整合大學實驗室之核心能力與知識創造活動之研究:以台大微奈米機電系統實驗室為例
    Authors: 楊佳珮
    Chia Pei Yang
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Jen Fang Lee
    Chia Pei Yang
    Keywords: 核心能力
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 09:19:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中文摘要
    知識經濟的到來意味著知識將成為生財的主要工具。麻省理工學院(MIT)教授萊斯特•梭羅(Lester Thurow)在其1999年的大作「知識經濟時代」(Building Wealth)當中開宗明義便提到,時值二十和二十一世紀之交,微電子、電腦、電信、新人造材料、機器人、生物科技等六大新科技彼此結合互動,創造一個嶄新的經濟世界。這六大領域所屬的基礎科學突飛猛進,開發全新的科技,也造就全新的產業:電腦、半導體、雷射等等。人類已經不能再靠以往的舊公式功成名就。人類發展史上,控制土地、黃金、及石油等天然資源一項是功成名就的要素。但一夕之間,成功的要素變成了「知識」。而要不斷的維持成功與累積優勢,持續創造並且累積「知識」則成為相當重要的課題。
    在產業持續創新這個過程當中,除了產業本身的研發單位的努力之外,學校的實驗室也在不同的領域扮演越來越重要的角色。然而,對於這股重要的研發勢力,至今台灣對它內部組織平台,核心能力的養成與蓄積,以及知識創造活動的實際內涵並不甚了解。因此本論文選擇針對台灣最重要的微機電系統相關大學實驗室之一─台灣大學微奈米機電系統實驗室─作深入的單一個案研究,以Dorothy Leonard-Barton(1995)的架構,探討一個科技跨領域整合程度高、與產業界互動密切的大學實驗室,其組織核心能力為何?其核心能力如何養成並且累積?實驗室的知識創造活動如何?知識創造活動與核心能力之間的關係如何?
    Knowledge is the most important building block of the so called “New Economy”. MIT professor Lester Thurow wrote in his book “Building Wealth: The New Rules for Individuals, Companies and Nations in a Knowledge-Based Economy”, “Knowledge is the new basis for wealth.” He also wrote that, “…A third industrial revolution is under way. Microelectronics, computers, telecommunications, designer materials, robotics and biotechnologies are transforming all facets of life.” Nowadays, the most crucial way to gain and strengthen an organization’s competency is through well management of knowledge.
    The need of cross-discipline knowledge is becoming more and more urgent as the complexity of the industry heightens. Industries including electronic-optic industry, digital content industry, nanotechnology industry, micro-electro-mechanical industry, etc are all examples of industries that rely highly on cross-discipline technology. Because of the maturity of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, it is highly expected that micro-electro-mechanical industry will flourish.
    The collaboration of the industry and university labs is becoming more and more important in the R&D environment. However, there is not as much research on university labs as there are on corporate labs. This research focuses on one of the most important MEMS university labs in Taiwan—NEMS/MEMS Lab of National Taiwan University. The research discusses the following questions under Dorothy Leonard-Barton’s (1995) framework: What is the core competency of a highly cross-disciplined system integrated university lab? How does the university lab strengthen its core competency? What are the knowledge creating activities specifically? How do the knowledge creating activities interact with its core competency?
    This research finds that the acknowledgement of knowledge management, organization culture, and the value of people is the key to the success of a highly cross-disciplined system integrated university lab. They should not be merely slogans of management studies, but should be embedded in daily operations and value systems of all team members. With that, the power and contribution of the university labs will be significant.
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