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    Title: 大學實驗室的人力資源管理與知識創造-以學術卓越與工業創新的IC設計實驗室為例
    Authors: 曾立欣
    Lenny Tseng
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Lenny Tseng
    Keywords: 大學實驗室
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 09:19:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在知識經濟時代,知識創造是組織所需要面臨的重要議題,而為了有效達成知識創造的目的,優良的人力資源管理是關鍵因素之一。成功的企業知識管理,來自於人力資源管理的支持,帶動良好的組織文化和結構,以及員工樂於分享、創造並應用知識的組織能力。











    研究發現3-3:大學實驗室的組織設計強調技術領域的專案編組時,實驗室確認觀念方式會 強調透過專案團隊討論的方式,達到確認觀念的目的。


    In knowledge-economy era, knowledge creation is the essential issue that each organization is urged to face. In order to fulfill the purpose of knowledge creation, well-organized human resource management is one of the key factors. Universities are the crib of human resource. In technical network, universities play two important roles. The first role is to do fundamental researches, which leads the constant developments in the industry. The second one is to help cultivate the skillful personnel for the industry, especially enhance their theoretical knowledge. Therefore, to make the best use of the research potential in universities has already been a significant part of the technology policy in the government.
    The main purpose of this research aims to discuss the human resource management in university labs, the vital activities in knowledge creation, and the interaction between human knowledge management and knowledge creation. The research is a case study of the IC-design Labs in universities, which possess the outstanding performance in academic fields and devote to the industrial innovation.
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