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    Title: 我國中小型資訊軟體業技術知識特質與創新行為之研究
    An Exploratory Study on Relationship between Characteristics of Technological Knowledge and Innovation Behavior on SME in Computer Software Industry in Taiwan
    Authors: 吳健鑫
    Chien-Hsin Wu
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Feng-Shang Wu
    Chien-Hsin Wu
    Keywords: 中小企業
    Computer Software
    Characteristics of Technological Knowledge
    Innovation Management
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 09:17:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中小企業在台灣的經濟發展過程中的地位是眾所皆知的,然而,有關科技型中小企業的創新行為的研究,無論是國內或國外都不是很多。本研究即以個案研究法,針對台灣的中小型資訊軟體公司,探討其軟體專業類型、中小企業特質與研發創新專案的技術知識特質,對創新行為之關聯性及影響。本研究之主要研究發現如下:
    1.創新專案之技術知識特質會影響:(1)共同解決問題時,團隊成員背景異質/多元性;(2) 共同解決問題時,問題時,藉由鼓勵創造性摩擦產生創造性的知識結合;(3)組織鼓勵實驗的風氣;(4)是否藉由參加教育訓練課程作為知識吸收之來源。
    It is well known that the SMEs (Small & Medium-sized Enterprises) have played an important role in the process of economic development in Taiwan. This thesis attempts to take an exploratory study of the relationship between characteristics of technological knowledge and innovation behavior on SMEs in computer software industry in Taiwan. There are primary figures found in the thesis:
    Ⅰ.Different categories of computer software in SMEs have the different types of characteristics of technological knowledge.
    Ⅱ.Characteristics of technological knowledge have the effect on the innovation behavior of SMEs, such as:
    1. Characteristics of technological knowledge in an innovative project have an influence on a).the diversity of team members, when the team work is held; b).whether there comes a creativity of knowledge combination via creative abrasion or not, when the team work is held; c).the intensity of encouragement of R&D in a company; d).whether the company takes the formal training courses as a knowledge source.
    2. The standardization of technological knowledge in an innovative project has an influence on how the prototype is used in the R&D process of the project.
    3. The path-dependency of technological knowledge in an innovative project has an influence on the intensity of encouragement of failing forward in a company.
    Ⅲ. Characteristics of SMEs have the effect on the innovation behavior of SMEs in computer software industry, such as:
    1. Due to different categories of computer software, the proprietors of SMEs have different intensity of involvement and then make innovation behavior of the organization different.
    2. The organizational formalization of the SMEs in computer software industry has no apparent relationship with innovation behavior.
    3. The extent of autonomy of R&D employees in SMEs in computer software industry has a positive relationship with innovation behavior.
    Ⅳ. SMEs in different categories of computer software have different innovation behavior and management methods.
    Ⅴ. Other submary figuress of this thesis are as follows:
    1. SMEs in different categories of computer software have different intensity of involvement of proprietors.
    2. SMEs in different categories of computer software have different extent of autonomy of R&D employees.
    3. When SMEs in different categories of computer software have the different diversity along with standardization of technological knowledge, there is a different extent of autonomy of R&D employees.
    4. In innovation behavior, most of SMEs in computer software industry take inquiry method as the intensity of involvement of users, when they attempt to implement and to integrate new technology or tools.
    5. The larger scale of SMEs in different categories of computer software takes more positive effects on innovation behavior.
    As the results, this thesis suggests that SMEs in different categories of computer software should understand the how different characteristics of technological knowledge affect the innovation behavior, when they attempt to make the company stronger via continuous innovation. They can also improve the innovative capability and performance by innovation management.
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