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    Title: 軟體產業的顧客知識運用、產權與組織型式
    Authors: 王盈勛
    Wang, Ying-hsun
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Lee, Jen-fang
    Wang, Ying-hsun
    Keywords: 顧客
    property right
    organizational form
    open source
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-18 09:15:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 摘要





    The emergence of the open source software in the 1990s has made a huge impact on the software industry. However, the overall research on the open source software often regards it as “software without property right,” or even sees it a “holy war” fighting for freedom by heightening the ideological conflicts between liberalism and capitalism.

    The outcome of this research indicates that the initiation and development of the open source software serves as the effective response for the demanding software market of individualization and differentiation. The more the software product differentiates, the more the users’ knowledge has to be replied upon. The open source software community is a form of organization which entirely lives on the intellectual contribution of its customers.

    The licensing of the open source software as a system of property right does not mean that it has no property right or it is against property right; rather, it is an invention of system which allows the efficient combination of the community software developers and the distribution of property right. The licensing of the open source software based on the intellectual property right permits the software developers making use of the open source independently, expanding the communal share of knowledge among community members, and eliminating the possibilities of individuals and commercial companies who try to speculate in it.

    This study has made preliminary examinations on the application of the “hypothesis of the three powers” of the organizational innovation on communities and provides software industry with suggestions for how to make proper use of the power of customers.
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