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Title: | 營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產評價之研究 |
Authors: | 陳虹名 |
Contributors: | 許崇源 陳虹名 |
Keywords: | 遞延所得稅資產 營業虧損扣抵 Deferred Tax Assets Tax Loss Carryforwards |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-18 09:12:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以實證檢驗了「營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產」之評價,以及其對股價之價值攸關性。本研究除了發現「營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產」與股價顯著正相關,具有「資產」的性質外,另外觀察在加入「營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產」相關變數後,即「當期營業虧損扣抵變動數」(增加數),或「當期發生營業虧損扣抵虛擬變數」,發現當期發生的「營業虧損扣抵」與股價呈現顯著的負相關,可以推論當期發生的「營業虧損扣抵」對股價係負面消息,且本身使得帳上原有的「營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產」及「所得稅抵減遞延所得稅資產」因本期所得額為負而價值降低;另一個虛擬變數「營業虧損扣抵有效年數虛擬變數」對股價為反向但結果不顯著,可能的原因係樣本公司帳上平均只有一年左右的「營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產」,另外也暗示了「營業虧損扣抵遞延所得稅資產」和「所得稅抵減遞延所得稅資產」未來可實現性,有足夠的課稅所得可供抵減。 The paper uses the empirical method to examine the value relevance of a company’s deferred tax assets from tax loss carryforwards which respond to the stock price. In addition to the positive effect of deferred tax assets from cumulative tax loss carryforwards, representing the “asset” valuation to save the future tax, the paper finds the negative effect of deferred tax assets from the contemporary tax loss carryforward, which respond to the stock price. The paper uses the incremental value of deferred tax assets from the contemporary tax loss carryforward as a specific variable and two dummy variables, whether the operating loss happens this year and the number of effective periods of unused tax loss carryforwards, to examine the effect of deferred tax assets from the contemporary tax loss carryforward. The empirical result finds that the variable, the incremental value of deferred tax assets from the contemporary tax loss carryforward, and the dummy variable, whether the operating loss happens this year, are significantly negatively related to the stock price in statistics, but the negative effect of the dummy variable, the number of effective periods of unused tax loss carryforwards, is not attested in statistics, with a possible reason of more or less than one effective period of unused tax loss carryforwards. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 92353048 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923530481 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [會計學系] 學位論文
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