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    Title: 晶圓製程設備產業智慧資源規劃之研究
    The Research of Intelligence Resources Planning of Wafer Fabrication Equipment Industry
    Authors: 沈志祥
    Shian, Shen
    Contributors: 周延鵬

    Shian, Shen
    Keywords: 半導體產業
    Semiconductor Industry
    Wafer Fabrication Equipment
    ntellectual Resource Planning
    High-k/Metal Gate
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 18:40:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 晶圓製程設備商必須充分利用全球化智慧資源規劃,發展企業策略,才能創造企業競爭力和成長動能。經過多次的景氣循環,晶圓設備產業已經成為少數廠商全球激烈競爭的環境,特別是仍有兩家設備供應商以上的產品線。對於客戶而言,購買設備的主要因素來自於廠商製程能力和成本的優勢。除了少數關鍵製程由一家壟斷外,客戶都可以在每一個新製程世代(Technology node)找到兩家廠商評估設備和技術需求。在贏者全拿的壓力與吸引力下,在每一個新製程世代的銷售週期中,晶圓設備商都必須要充分利用智慧資本化的效益,掌握客戶的技術、量產時程,才能確保銷售空間。在發展策略上,為面對高技術競爭但是低成長的產業環境,晶圓設備商必須要透過併購和整合其核心技術相關新事業才能同時整合既有智慧資源和創造成長。


    本研究目的希望以智慧資源規劃為研究方法,進行晶圓製程設備產業的實證研究。先就市場特性分析晶圓製程設備產業概況,接著探討廠商如何運用智慧資源規劃的資本化和產業結構化切入市場,最後在實證研究上以分析主要晶圓製程設備廠商的專利能量和最新奈米技術High-k/Metal Metal Gate探討產業的技術發展趨勢與廠商智慧資源規劃的運用和佈署。期望從綜合上述論點,做為台灣是否適合發展晶圓製程設備和又該如何準備智慧資源規劃的參考。
    Global intellectual resource planning (IRP) is cruicial in industrial strategy for wafer fabrication equipment vendors to develop competence and growth momentums. After several business cycles during the past few decades, this industry has become a very competitive market of a few players. For their customers, the key decision factors are the technology capability and cost of the vendors. Except for some critical process equipments dominated by only one vendor, the customers can identify 2 vendors to evaluate their equipment and cost performance. That Winner takes all become the pressure and attraction of the industry. The vendors must fully apply the value of intellectual property and overhaul their customer’s technology and production roadmap to ensure their share in the market. To cope with the market challenges of low growth and highly competitiveness, the vendors must incoporate and integrate other new companies of their core technology to consolidate given intellectual resource and create better achievements.

    Either from the perspective of market size and industry value chain, Taiwan has played the most important role in semiconductor manufacturing industry worldwide. To extend their market share and keep in the lead, the foundry and DRAM companies have aggressively invested in the production of 300mm fabs. The vast investments and its production demands have made Taiwan the most competitive place in semiconductor equipment markets. According to the SEMI most update, the business volume of Taiwan semiconductor equipments market reached to US$10.65 billion in 2007, with an impressive growth of 45.2% more than 2006. Taiwan has overtaken Japan and become the largest semiconductor equipment markets in the world. In the industry value chain, the wafer fabrication equipments not only accounted for the greatest capital expenditure of fibs but also the foundation for the process technology development. It is a pity that the equipments industry in Taiwan did not flourish as along with the great market here. All the key technologies, people, materials and components are manipulated by foreign vendors. This situation resulted in an un-balanced development in domestic semiconductor industry as well as the bargain power and self-owned technology. The related developed intellectual rights can not show the real value and effect. With the high entry barriers of transfer cost, patents, professionals and investments of wafer fabrication equipments markets, Taiwan vendors take less than 5% in the market share, except for some progress in automation equipments of lower IP, capital and transfer cost barriers. The Taiwan vendors have not demonstrated capability in process technology to penetrate the markets. The wafer fabrication equipment market growth was a result of o the outsource investment from Europe, US and Japan fabs. It turns out that the technology, IP and people are still possessed by foreign vendors. Without the synergy and integration of government, academia and industry and intangible resource planning, it is not surprising that our production localization ratio is relatively low.

    Thus, the thesis will elaborate the case study in the way of intellectual resource planning. First, the research will analyze the industrial characteristics of wafer fabrication equipment market. In the followings, this research will discuss how vendors can apply IRP to penetrate the market. Finally, this research will analyze the patents of major vendors and High-k/Metal Gate process technology to elaborate the industry technology cycles and new technology development strategy. As a result, the thesis will try to discuss if it is suitable for Taiwan to develop the wafer fabrication equipment market and also serve for reference how to prepare the intellectual resource planning.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093361011
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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