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    Title: 臺灣推動兩岸「小三通」之研究
    A Study of Taiwan`s Implementation of the Cross-Strait "Mini-Three-Links"
    Authors: 張多馬
    Thomas Chang
    Contributors: 朱新民
    Thomas Chang
    Keywords: 三通
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 18:11:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自從立法院於2000年3月21日通過「離島建設條例第十八條」,明訂「為促進離島發展,在臺灣本島與大陸地區全面通航之前,得先試辦金門、馬祖、澎湖地區與大陸地區通航」,排除「兩岸人民關係條例」的限制,為前述離島與大陸地區通航提供法源後,臺灣開放兩岸「小三通」的政策終於明朗,該法稍後並於4月5日公布實施;行政院隨於同年12月13日據此訂定及通過「試辦金門馬祖與大陸地區通航實施辦法」,以作為「小三通」的管理依據。次年1月1日,金門、馬祖與對岸的「小三通」啟動,遂使兩岸關係邁向另一個里程碑。


    A Study of Taiwan’s Implementation of the Cross-Strait “Mini-Three-Links”

    The Article 18 of “The Statute of Off-island Infrastructure”, passed on 21 March, 2000, suggests an experiment on shipping between Kinmen, Mstsu, Penhu areas and Mainland China as to boost the development of the off-islands. This Article excludes the limitations of ”The Statute Governing Relations Between Peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland China”, and provides a legal basis for the shipping experiment. Therefore, Taiwan’s policies on “Mini-three Links” between the cross-strait is getting clear. The Statute was released and put into practice later on 5 April. The Executive Yuan completed the legislation of “Methods on the Experiment of Shipping Between Kinmen, Matsu, and Mainland China” on 13 December in the same year as the legal basis for management. On 1 January, 2001, “Mini-three Links” between Kinmen, Matsu, and Mainland China got started, as a milestone for the development of cross-strait relations.

    The “Mini-three Links” policy has run more than three years, whose purposes are, for examples, resolving the living problems of people in Kinmen and Matsu,,increasing the tourism and business ,bringing the off-islands prosperity, taking care of the daily needs of the local people. Second, the main purposes are to increase the trade normalization between the off-islands and Mainland China, to reduce the risk of committing crime by the off-islanders. Therefore, we can realize the cross boundary integration between Kinmen and Matsu,and readjust the roles of Kinmen and Matsu which used to be the military zones of Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to explore the background, planning, the results of the experimentation of “Mini-three Links”, and its weakness for further development. We can observe the inter-relations between “Mini-three Links” and the Taiwan government policies.

    There are six chapters in this study, respectively stated as follows:
    □ Chapter One is an introduction to this study, including the research motives, purposes, methods, ranges and limitation, and the literature review of this study also.
    □ Chapter Two explores the current strategic relations between Taiwan、Mainland China, and the United States. In the following part, includes the historical background, status, and the implication of “Mini-three Links”, and the analysis on the factors contributing to “Mini-three Links” policy, and a review on the attitudes of Mainland China and the United States.
    □ Chapter Three covers the implementation strategies of “Mini-three Links”, and the means in pursuit of equal status and mutual economic cooperation.
    □ Chapter Four covers reaction of Mainland China and its strategies in response. Analysis on these strategies examine if those are identical with the “Peaceful Reunification” and “One China Principle”.
    □ The overall effects of “Mini-three Links” will be discussed in Chapter Five, such as the law, exchange aspects. There will be discussion from both the civil and the authority point of view.
    □ Chapter Six is conclusion, through exploration on both theoretical and practical basis, the researcher proposes major findings and suggestions.
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