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    Title: 中國流通業的開放與韓國廠商的對策:以內銷流通領域為中心
    Authors: 趙顯埈
    Cho, Hyun-jun
    Contributors: 魏艾
    Wei, Ai
    Cho, Hyun-jun
    Keywords: 流通業
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 17:57:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究的目的是探明中國流通業開放帶來的以上重大變化和影響的實質,並揭示韓商利用開放時機應採取的策略。作為韓國人本人認爲,韓國對中國經濟的研究中,對流通領域的研究相對薄弱,因此本課題研究更具必要性。特別是正處於體制轉型期的中國流通業的系統、結構、制度及環境,與韓國相比有許多的不同點,因此需要進行深層次的研究。

    The Liberalization of the Distribution Industry in China and Korea`s Strategy
    Hyun-jun Cho

    This study aims to examine changes and effects related to the liberalization of China`s distribution industry and to suggest some strategies to take advantage of the opportunities accruing from the liberalization. Several recent important trends related to the liberalization of China`s distribution industry are as follows: The general process of liberalization of its distribution industry was initiated by China`s accession to the WTO. With its comparative advantages of a vast market and lower production costs, China is becoming a global distribution and production base. With the opening of the distribution industry, accessing China`s domestic market is increasingly becoming the main objective of foreign investment to China.
    Since China`s distribution industry has been highly protected in the past, its liberalization is generating substantial changes. As distribution functions as a linkage between production and consumption in economic circulation, its liberalization is producing multi-faceted effects. In terms of foreign economic exchange, the liberalization offers foreign enterprises significant opportunities to expand trade and investment into China; foreign-invested manufacturing firms in China are particularly undergoing crucial changes related to value chain management of production, procurement, marketing, logistics, after-sales services, etc. From the perspective of the bandwagon effect of globalization and regional integration, the liberalization of China`s distribution industry affects the global commodity chain and global allocation of economic resources, while facilitating intra-regional economic exchange in East Asia.
    Compared to previous studies, this paper places more importance on dynamic structural changes and Chinese characteristics than on the status quo of the Chinese distribution industry. Accession to the WTO is especially noted and analyzed as a critical factor, in that the degree of liberalization and prospects for China`s distribution industry are estimated according to China`s protocol of accession to the WTO. Meanwhile, a vast rapidly growing domestic market, transitional economic system, immense territory and regional differences are characteristics specific to the Chinese situation that affect the development pattern and direction of its distribution industry.
    With regards to the case study on distribution businesses managed by foreign-invested enterprises in China, this paper takes both a theoretical and practical approach, employing theories of distribution management and marketing to analyze relevant literature and interview results. Through such analyses, some useful strategies and devices are offered for Korean companies hoping to enter China`s domestic market. Those strategies are divided into ones for coping with the characteristics of the Chinese distribution industry and ones for the so-called `4 Ps` of marketing -- products, prices, place, and promotions.
    Lastly, this paper takes note of China`s emergence as a global production and distribution base. The liberalization of China`s distribution industry may pose some serious dangers, the so-called `China shocks,` as well as present vast market opportunities. In this regard, the paper makes some policy recommendations for the Korean government to help its enterprises (particularly small and medium-sized businesses) enter the Chinese market to direct economic cooperation with China and to implement the vision of `becoming the business hub of Northeast Asia.`
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