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    Title: 伊朗核武問題之研究
    The Study of Iran`s Nuclear Development
    Authors: 張力夫
    Chang, Li-fu
    Contributors: 李登科
    Lee, Deng-ker
    Chang, Li-fu
    Keywords: 伊朗
    Non-Proliferation Treaty(NPT)
    nuclear energy
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 17:53:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 伊朗伊斯蘭共和國為中東地區主要國家之一。自1957年與美國合作發展核能以來,除了在柯梅尼政權初期曾短暫中斷外,歷任的領導人皆大力支持核科技的發展。從近年來的發現,顯示伊朗正在持續進行某些秘密的核計畫,使得國際憂心伊朗可能有發展核武的意圖。一旦伊朗擁有核武,將對國際安全產生重大衝擊。

    The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the major powers in the Middle East. Since 1957, when nuclear energy program received technical assistance from the U.S., its successive leaders have eagerly pursued the policy for developing nuclear technology. The only exception took place during the early years of the Ayatollah Khomeni government when all nuclear program was temporarily suspended. Recent disclosures show that Iran has been conducting several covert nuclear programs, which is considered by the international community as a possible step toward nuclear weapons.

    This thesis first analyzes the background of Iran’s nuclear development, its motives, and the evolution of its nuclear development. The U.S., Russia, the PRC, and other related powers’ attitude toward Iran’s nuclear programs will be analyzed latter. Once Iran gets nuclear weapons, its impact on the security in the Middle East as well as on the nuclear non-proliferation regime will also be examined finally.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0922530111
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