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    Title: 國際能源安全之研究—以美國石油安全政策涉足中亞油源為例
    Authors: 許庭瑜
    Hsu, Ting-Yu
    Contributors: 林碧炤
    Lin, Bin-Jaw
    Hsu, Ting-Yu
    Keywords: 非傳統安全
    Nontraditional Security
    Energy Security
    American Energy Security Policy
    Central Asia
    Caspian Sea
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 17:53:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文由新安全觀角度研究石油能源安全,由安全分析發現,任何影響石油供給的課題,都會成為安全議題的指涉對象;二戰結束後,因戰爭需求的石油使用動機轉變成為經濟發展的目的,因此經濟互動對能源安全的影響,加上自70年代末期後核能使用對環境破壞帶來的不確定性,更加重石油在能源市場的重要性,另一方面,環境議題的重視在90年代以來成為影響石油能源安全的重要「功能性行為者」,所以國際能源安全大致受到能源生產消費自身的限制、經濟發展與能源產業的互動,及環境管制的三面向的領域作用影響。

    The thesis is aimed to make the study of oil energy security in the viewpoint of new security concept. In the framework of security analysis, what may affect the oil security of supply will be possible to be the reference object of security agenda. And after the WW II, the purpose of oil using form the war fighting to economic development emphasize the importance between the energy security and economic interaction. With the environmental destruction uncertainties resulting from the nuclear using, the environmental issue became the main factor— the functional behavior within the framework of energy security analysis. Thus, international energy security is concerned by the aspects of the self-limitation of energy supplier, the interaction between the economic development and energy industries, and the environmental regulation.

    We can reach the conclusion that there is the close relation between the energy resource and regional distribution with the regional level of security analysis. In 60s, oil raise to be the main global energy source, and phenomenon of oil production centralization became more obvious after the foundation of OPEC. Facing the situation mixed with the energy supply and demand because of the political and economic reasons, it is the best method to take the way of regional security analysis to make the study of energy security.

    Besides, it concludes that the oil production place become more strategic as making the study of “American oil energy security policy set foot in Central Asia”. At the present time, political factor still ruling guides the American oil energy security; however, the environment development is indispensable in making the whole energy security policy.
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