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    Title: 小布希政府對拉丁裔移民政策之研究:以古巴裔與墨西哥裔為例
    George W. Bush`s Immigration Policy Toward Latinos: a Focus on Cubans, and Mexicans in the U.S.
    Authors: 莊博智
    Chuang, Po-chih
    Contributors: 邱稔壤

    Chyou, Ren-ran
    Hsiang, Antonio C.

    Chuang, Po-chih
    Keywords: 布希
    George W. Bush
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 17:50:41 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 拉丁裔的人口數量已於2002年凌駕非洲裔成為美國最大的少數族群,2004年杭廷頓(Samuel P. Huntington)在《我們是誰?對美國國家認同的挑戰》(Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity)ㄧ書中嚴厲譴責拉丁裔移民進入美國後,倡議兩種語言與兩種文化,此將危及美國國家「盎格魯-新教」(Anglo-Protestantism)文化,更將侵蝕美國的國家利益與威脅美國在國際社會的霸權地位。由於目前國內學界對拉丁裔研究多為單一族裔的研究,本文藉由比較性研究呈現古巴裔與墨西哥裔的不同發展歷程。研究內容涵蓋古巴裔與墨西哥裔對美國的影響,以及布希政府對不同族裔的移民政策研究。研究結果可發現古巴裔與墨西哥裔的影響能力與影響層面有所不同,而布希政府看待古巴裔與墨西哥裔的態度也有不同。

    The population of Latinos has exceeded African American and become the largest minority group in the U.S in 2002. In the book “Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity,” Samuel P. Huntington condemn Latinos as advocating double language and double culture, and this will ultimately endanger the Anglo-Protestantism culture of U.S. Moreover, the increasing entrance of Latinos into the U.S will erode America`s national interest and influence America`s hegemony in international society. Since domestic research has focused on studying single ethnic group-Latinos, this research tries to present the different developmental process of Cubans and Mexicans via comparative studies. This paper discusses Cubans and Mexicans` impact on America, and George W. Bush`s immigration policy toward different ethnic groups. From my research result, I have found that Cubans and Mexicans’ influential power and level as being different, and President Bush’s policy toward Cubans and Mexicans is different as well.

    More than sixty percent Cubans lives in Florida, which implies that Cubans has strong impact on Florida. On the other side, the massive number of Mexicans can influence national policy with its national wide population distribution. In addition, Cubans is more concerned about foreign policy toward Castro regime, while Mexicans concerns more about internal issues, especially education. Cubans and Mexicans also have different development process regarding their status, identity, and relationship with home countries, thus leading Bush’s distinct policy toward this two groups. For the Cubans, because of citizenship rate and U.S.-Cuba relationship, Cubans has more privileges during immigration. To the Mexicans, Mexican American is concerned about bilingual education, and Mexican illegal labors have focus on amnesty temporary worker program. However, Bush administration not only opposes bilingual education and a comprehensive immigration amnesty, but the temporary worker program is also delayed by the Senate and the House of Representative.
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