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    Title: 由「大西洋鮪類資源保育委員會」二○○五年05-02號建議論高度洄游魚類種群之養護與管理
    On the conservation and management of Highly Migratory Species in terms of Recommendation by ICCAT Regarding Control of Chinese Taipei’s Atlantic Bigeye Tuna Fishery「05-02」in 2007
    Authors: 李佳燕
    Lee, Chia-Yen
    Contributors: 陳純一
    Lee, Chia-Yen
    Keywords: 高度洄游魚類種群
    Highly Migratory Species
    International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
    Recommendation 05-02 by ICCAT
    Regional Fishery Organization (RFO)
    the Law of the Sea
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 17:49:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2005年「大西洋鮪類資源保育委員會」(International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, ICCAT)第十九屆年會將台灣2006年在大西洋大目鮪(Bigeye Tuna)的漁獲配額自14,900公噸削減為4,600公噸的決定,即05-02號建議(Recommendation by ICCAT Regarding Control of Chinese Taipei’s Atlantic Bigeye Tuna Fishery [05-02] in 2005),除反應出漁業資源日益稀少和各國竸爭激烈的事實外,也顯示了國人海洋漁業生態保育的觀念有待加強。
    <br>本論文乃以ICCAT 05-02號建議作為個案研究,對高度洄游魚類種群(highly migratory species)之養護與管理體系為一整體檢視,探討該號建議所呈現之生態保育問題。內容側重於法規範面之探討,並就高度洄游魚類種群之定義、生態習性、種類、及資源使用狀況為一基本介紹。主要探討三大議題:(1)國際規範體系架構;(2)養護與管理高度洄游魚類之現況;(3)當前面臨之問題與挑戰。
    On 19th regular meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), the commission decided to cut down Taiwan’s quota of Bigeye tuna in Atlantic Ocean form 14,900 tonnage to 4,900, that is Recommendation by ICCAT Regarding Control of Chinese Taipei’s Atlantic Bigeye Tuna Fishery [05-02] in 2005. This case reflects the fact that fishery resource is coming shorter and States compete harshly. It shows that our concept of conservation ecology leaves much space to improve as well.
    <br>This thesis is a case study based on Recommendation 05-02 by ICCAT. Here try to inspect thoroughly the conservation and management system of highly migratory species, so as to discuss the problems of eco-conservation reflecting from that Recommendation. Contexts focus on the regulation aspect, and briefly introduce the definition, ecologic habitual behavior, kinds, and condition of resource consumption of highly migratory species. The three main topics to discuss are: (1) international regulation framework; (2) current status of conservation and management of highly migratory species; (3) the problems and challenges confront with nowadays.
    <br>The challenges to ocean resource caused by human activity are all the same. This thesis is about highly migratory species, but also reflects the common problem of other fish species in ecological protection respect. Merely because of the ecological particularity, the whole process of conservation and management of highly migratory species could better show the key ingredient of international fishery governance, which is international cooperation. From the other angle, the change of fishery management system mirrors the nature of international fishery management, that is pursuing of national interest. Actually, the later is fundamental character of all kinds of international interaction. Therefore, when analyzing the function of regional fishery organization, we could not ignore the international political fact. National economic fishery interest manifests through relative international political power in fishery management organizations.
    <br>There are six chapters in this thesis. First, to take a quick glance at what “highly migratory species” is and its character and resource status (chapter 1). And then turn to the introduction of current international regulation system of highly migratory species (chapter 2). Following is a case study based on ICCAT, to inform readers how Regional Fishery Organizations function actually (chapter 3). Through Recommendation 05-02 by ICCAT, we could take a look how Regional Fishery Organizations urge States to meet their commission of conserving and managing highly migratory species (chapter 4). And then go to a discussion of institutional and enforcement problems reflect from Recommendation 05-02 by ICCAT (chapter 5). Finally, we take a entirely observation and introspection from the foregoing chapters, and then sum up the core of the international fishery issue, that is international cooperation with a prerequisite of chasing national interest(chapter 6).
    <br>The international conservation of highly migratory species has set out. States are willing to transfer more competence to specialized institution and undertake international cooperation under a certain regulatory framework. This situation deserves much applause. We could look forward that international society would pay more attention to environmental ecological issues to carrying out the idea of sustainable development and management of ocean resource.
    Reference: == 中文部分 ==
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    == 網路連結 ==
    台灣區鮪魚公會 http://www.tuna.org.tw/front.asp
    行政院農委會漁業署 http://www.fa.gov.tw/chn/index.php
    行政院農委會水產試驗所 http://www.tfrin.gov.tw/friweb/index.php
    海洋資料庫網站 http://www.ncor.ntu.edu.tw/ODBS/index.html
    教育部「自然生態學習網」 http://nature.edu.tw
    FAO-Fisheries Department http://www.fao.org/fi/default.asp
    Fish base http://www.fishbase.org/search.php
    Internet Guide to International Fisheries Law http://www.intfish.net/orgs/index-1.htm
    Pacific Fishery Management Council (US) http://www.pcouncil.org/hms/hmsback.html#what
    The Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea http://www.un.org/Depts/los/index.htm
    Wikipedia encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
     區域漁業組織官方網站
    Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT)
    Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC)
    Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC)
    International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
    大西洋鮪類資源保育委員會 http://www.iccat.es/main.htm
    The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM)
    Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093253007
    Data Type: thesis
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