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    Title: 俄羅斯對美國政策之研究 - 2000年∼2003年
    Authors: 陳怡君
    Contributors: 王定士
    Keywords: 普欽
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 17:44:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文試圖透過戰略三角政治研究途徑和克里姆林宮政治研究途徑,探討普欽時期的俄羅斯對美國政策。
    蘇聯解體後,俄羅斯對外政策路線的走向,由葉里欽執政初期的一面倒向以美國為首的親西方之大西洋主義政策路線,轉向為葉里欽執政後期的拉攏中國抗衡美國的東西平衡對外政策路線;到了普欽執政時期,又重新定位為與美國進行戰略和解,進而進行戰略合作的全方位對外政策路線, 以擺脫俄中戰略協作夥伴關係所導致的戰略羈絆之制約。本文試圖探討,驅動普欽時期此一俄羅斯對美國政策路線轉變的內外在因素。




    The purpose of this study is aimed at exploring Russia’s policy toward the United States under Bladimir Putin, 2000-2003. The strategic triangle politics approach and the Kremlin politics approach are applied in this study.
    After the Soviet Union’s collapse, Russia’s line of foreign policy had been shifted from the one-sided pro-Western Atlanticism in the early stage of Boris Yel’tsin’s administration toward the East-West balanced strategy, attempting to draw China on the same front against the United States, in the latter stage of Yel’tsin’s regime. After Putin had come to power, Russia’s line of foreign policy was reoriented as a comprehensive one, engaging in strategic reconciliation and strategic cooperation with the U.S. and, consequently, getting rid of the strategic entanglement resulted from the establishment of the partnership of strategic coordination between China and Russia. Against this background, this study attempts to investigate the internal and external factors that drive this shift in Russia’s line of foreign policy under Putin.
    The hypothesis of this study is as follows: Shadowed by Yel’tsin’s legacy of foreign policy and forged under Putin’s strong leadership, Russia’s policy toward the United States under Putin has been shaped by the interaction of Kremlin politics, engaged by Russian decision-making elites, who appeal to Russia’s national security and national interests in their policy debates, referring to Russia’s external and internal factors, such as the interaction of strategic triangle politics, the US policies and conduct, Russia’s economic developments, and domestic political ecological changes in Russia. This hypothesis can be further developed into the following logically consequential sub-propositions:

    1•The formulation of Russia’s policy toward the United States under Putin has been driven by Russia’s external factors, such as the interaction of strategic triangle politics and the US policies and conduct.

    In the spring of 1999, on the eve of Putin’s coming to power, the breakout of War in Kosovo and the pronunciation of NATO’s new Strategic Concept had created serious concerns for Russians about their national security. And in April 2001, the collision of US-Chinese military aircrafts above the South China Sea had deepen the Sino-US fissures. Consequently, the development of these events had pushed closer the Partnership of Russo-Chinese Strategic Coordination. As a result, the creation of Chinese-initiated Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in June 2001 and the conclusion of the Treaty of Good-Neighborhood, Friendship and Cooperation between China and Russia in the following month were only a logical outcome.
    However, accompanying the growth of China’s influence in the area of Caspian Sea, the voice of “China threat” has received more and more attention in the circle of Russia’s national security decision-makers. These developments, in turn, had forced Russia to search for strategic reconciliation with the United States in order to prevent China from becoming a threat. On the other hand, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rapid rise of China’s influence, the United States no longer treat Russia as a strategic rival; instead, they shift their efforts to prevent China from becoming a threat. In the wake of the terrorist attack on 11 September 2001, in order to meet the needs for engaging campaigns against terrorism and for deconcentrating the sources of petroleum, President Bush has readjusted US policy toward Russian. As a consequence, these shifts in US policy provide Putin with a golden opportunity to engage in strategic reconciliation with the United States and thus get rid of strategic entanglements derived from the establishment of partnership of strategic coordination with China.

    2•The formulation of Russia’s policy toward the United States under Putin has been driven by Russia’s internal factors, such as the economic development and the political ecological changes in Russia.

    In the face of Russia’s economic predicament, in Putin’s opinion, the only way to promote economic development is the strategic reconciliation with the United States, which will accelerate the process for Russia to obtain the access to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and in turn to gain the access to investments and financial assistance from the West and to lessen the burden of foreign loans. In addition, with his strong leadership and his pragmatic political skills, Putin has been able to maneuver the interaction of domestic political econlogies in favor of the reorientation of Russia’s concept of national security. As a result, Putin has been able to forge a comprehensive line of foreign policy and, accordingly, to conduct strategic reconciliation with the United States. Consequently, he has been able to get rid of the strategic entanglements derived from the establishment of partnership of strategic Coordination with China in the latter stage of Yel’tsin’s regime.
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    二、  期刊
    “Государственный визит президента Ельцина в США.” [葉里欽總統到美國的官方訪問; Gosudarstvennyy vizit prezidenta Yel’tsina v SSHA] Дипломатический вестник [外交公報;Diplomaticheskiy vestnik] 13-14 (Jul 1992): 3-17.
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    三、  報紙
    “Американцы обвиняют в своих военных неудачах российское оружие.” [美國把自己戰爭的失敗怪罪到俄羅斯的武器上; Amerikantsy obvinyayut v svoih voyennyh neudachah rossiyskoye oruzhiye] Известия [消息報;Izvestiya], 25 Mar 2003, p. 1.
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    “Владимир Путин обнародовал свою программу.” [普欽公布自己的競選綱領; Vladimir Putin obnarodoval svoyu programmu] Независимая газета [獨立報;Nezavisimaya gazeta], 30 Dec 1999, p. 1.
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    “Минимум последствий.” [最少的結果; Minimum posledstviy] Известия [消息報;Izvestiya], 30 Oct 2001, p. 5.
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    “Путин пригласил иностранных инвесторов заходитъ.” [普欽歡迎國外投資者進來投資; Putin priglacil inostrannyh investorov zahodit`] Комсомольская правда [共青團真理報;Komsomol’skaya pravda], 31 Oct 2001, p. 3.
    “Россия вооружает пехоту ядерным оружием.” [俄羅斯使步兵裝備核武器; Rossiya vooruzhaet pehotu yadernym oruzhiyem] Известия [消息報;Izvestiya], 30 Apr 1999, p. 2.
    “Россия и Китай объединились по вопросу ПРО: Визит Путина в Пекин показал, что взаимодействие двух стран может сбалансировать американские стремления к гегемонизму в мире.” [俄羅斯與中國對反飛彈防禦問題的立場一致:普欽走訪北京顯示兩國互動可以制衡美國稱霸世界的企圖; Possiya i Kitay ob’yedinilis’ po voprosu PRO: Vizit Putina v Pekin pokazal, chto vzaimodeystviye dvuh stran mozhet sbalansirovat’ amerikanskiye stremleniya k gegemonizmu v mire] Независимая Газета [獨立報;Nezavisimaya gazeta], 19 Jul 2000, pp. 1-6.
    “Россия может потерятъ 700 миллионов долларов. Если не выведет войска из стран Балтии к 6 Октября.” [俄羅斯可能損失7億美元,如果不在10月6日以前從波羅的海國家撤軍; Rossiya mozhet poteryat’ 700 millionov dollarov. Yesli ne vyvedet voyska iz stran Baltii k 6 Oktyabrya] Известия[消息報;Izvestiya], Aug 26 1993, p. 3.
    “Россия получит международная помощь только под реформы.” [俄羅斯只能在改革之下才能接受國際的援助; Rossiya poluchit mezhdunarodnaya pomosh’ tol’ko pod reformy] Известия [消息報;Izvestiya], 24 Apr 1992, p. 1.
    “Силовая реформа.” [強力改革; Silovaya reforma] Российская газета [俄羅斯報;Rossiyskaya gazeta], 12 Mar 2003, p. 3.
    Арбатов, Алексей Г.. [阿爾巴托夫, 阿列克謝依; Arbatov, Aleksey G..] “Ядерная дилемма военной доктрины .” [軍事準則之核子難題; Yadernaya dilemma voyennoy doktriny] Независимая газета [獨立報;Nezavisimaya gazeta], 3 Dec 1993, p. 3.
    Баталов, Эдуард и Виктор Кременюк [巴塔洛夫, 愛德華和維克托•克列梅紐克; Batalov, Yeduard i Viktor Kremenyuk]. “Россия и США: Друзъя? Соперники? Партнеры?” [俄羅斯與美國: 朋友?對手?夥伴?; Rossiya i SHA: Druz’ya?Soperniki?Partnery?] Независимая газета [獨立報;Nezavisimaya gazeta], 6 Oct 2001, p. 7.
    Громыко, Алексей [葛羅米柯, 阿列克謝依; Gromyko, Aleksey]. “У России пока нет ясной концепции националъных интересов.” [俄羅斯還沒有明確的國家利益構想; U Rossii poka net yasnoy kontseptsii natsional`nyh interesov] Независимая газета [獨立報;Nezavisimaya gazeta], 19 Sep 1996, p. 5.
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    Петровская, Юлия [彼得羅夫斯卡雅, 尤利亞; Petrovskaya, Yuliya]. “Буш впервые столкнулся с фрондой Москвы.” [布希初次與俄羅斯產生產生衝突; Bush vpervyye stolknulsya s frondoy Moskvy] Независимая газета [獨立報;Nezavisimaya gazeta], 26 Mar 2003, p. 1.
    Путин [普欽; Putin]. “Россия на рубеже тысячелетий.” [千年之交的俄羅斯; Rossiya na rubezhe tysyacheletiy] Независимая газета [獨立報;Nezavisimaya gazeta], 30 Dec 1999, p. 1.
    Родин, Иван и Марина Волкова [羅金, 伊凡和瑪利納•伐蔻琺; Rodin, Ivan i Marina Volkova]. “Большая политическая игра в Думе закончилась.” [杜馬內更大的政治遊戲結束了; Bol`shaya politicheskaya igra v Dume zakonchilas`] Незави1
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