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    Title: 俄羅斯影子經濟與貪污之研究
    The study of the Shadow Economy and Corruption in Russia
    Authors: 謝君宜
    Contributors: 里澤諾甫
    Rjazanov, Viktor Timofeevich
    Keywords: 影子經濟
    Shadow economy
    Underground economy
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 17:43:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文旨在探討俄羅斯影子經濟現象,而在影子經濟包羅萬象的形式中,又以當前俄羅斯最重要議題之一的貪污為主要分析主題。本文內容主要可以分為三部分:第一部分,首先釐清影子經濟與貪污概念,並闡述影子經濟於蘇聯末期發展情況以了解其背景。第二部分,探討蘇聯解體後俄羅斯向市場經濟轉型時期影子經濟的轉變,以及貪污的主要模式。第三部分,剖析普欽任總統時期俄羅斯影子經濟的發展,自不同面向檢視貪污情形,並闡釋影子經濟與貪污的關係。

    The main purpose of this article is to explore the phenomena of shadow economy in Russia. And in the multiform shadow economy, the most topical issue in Russia today – corruption has been chosen as the core of our analysis. Contents of this article can be divided into three parts: first of all, the concepts of the shadow economy and corruption are defined. Meanwhile, the development of the shadow economy in the late Soviet era is introduced as background knowledge. In the second part, the evolution of the shadow economy during Russia’s transition to market economy, as well as specific models of corruption are expounded. The third part presents an analysis of the development of the shadow economy in Putin’s period, examines corruption from different dimensions, and interprets the relations between shadow economy and corruption.

    In this article the shadow economy includes following three kinds of activities: household economic activities, unofficial economic activities, and illegal economic activities. As one kind of illegal economic activities, corruption of government officials has the most serious impact. The shadow economy in Russia spread quickly in the last years of Soviet Union. Afterward throughout the economic transition, owing to lack of essential institutions, market reforms stimulated expansion of the scale of the shadow economy. Diverse shadow relations and behaviors were also institutionalized in that period. While at the beginning of Putin’s regime, because of the legacy of his predecessor, the scale of the shadow economy remained high, in Putin’s first term the situations of the shadow economy and corruption indeed had been improved. Nevertheless, due to deterioration of the quality of governance, problems in the administrative system, and a decline in the level of democratic freedom, corruption again wildly grew in his second term. Corruption is seen in this article as a primary institution of the shadow economy and the root of illegal shadow economy. Thus it is considered in this article that restraining illegal shadow economy must start from combating corruption, and few possible methods of reducing corruption are purposed.
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