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Title: | 宗教與世俗教育的衝突與妥協~以聖約翰科技大學為例 Conflict and Compromise between Religion and Secular Education~ a Case Study on the establishment of St. John`s University |
Authors: | 陳玉海 Chen,Y.H.Daniel |
Contributors: | 林端 陳玉海 Chen,Y.H.Daniel |
Keywords: | 宗教教育 教會學校 全人教育 世俗化 韋伯 Religious Education Christianity school Holistic Education Secularization Max Weber |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 17:01:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣的大學院校中,有近十分之一的學校具有基督宗教的傳統,他們或由宗教團體創辦,或由基督徒個人所辦理,這些具有宗教背景的院校在創辦過程中因台灣社會的特殊政經情勢,而面臨不同的挑戰,聖約翰科技大學(前新埔工專)亦為其中一所,該校於一九六七年創辦,當時為這些教會學校中唯一的工業專科學校,至今仍為科技導向的唯一大學,因此本文乃以社會學家韋伯(Weber,Max )論及《宗教拒世的階段與方向》中,宗教與世俗世界的衝突的本質性分析,探討該校在創辦歷程中,所遭遇的挑戰,以理解宗教與政治、經濟、知性在教育的場域中,所呈現的衝突與妥協的關係,以及行動者以如何的行動倫理承擔宗教與世俗之間的張力。 該校乃由台灣聖公會主導創辦,並由上海聖約翰大學、聖瑪利亞女校在台校友協助辦理,本文先追溯聖公會在中國大陸的教育事業發展,後詳述該校從倡議至創建後五年為止的過程,以及該校所形塑的學生人格教育、教學特色與宗教教育發展,最後論及創辦該校對台灣聖公會的影響,以上資料均由歷史文獻及與相關人士訪談蒐集之。 研究顯示,宗教團體透過教育機構來宣揚教義與接觸民眾,是基於知性的認知活動與宗教的內在意義上有相當的相似性而起,但教育機構自成立後,就會發展出自行運作的法則,追求有利於自身發展的知性追求與組織架構,不斷生產出擁護世俗價值的校友與由校友獲取的現世利益,並且回饋到學校自身,且宗教團體辦校因威脅民族自尊與神格化的政治領袖,而國家也試圖透過軍訓管理的手段掌控教育機構,宗教遂成為政治的競爭者。由於學校成為獲利並強化世俗價值的工具,違背了宗教遠離世俗財富的原則,學校經費來源逐漸依賴於學費與校友的捐款,也讓學校以基於供需原則的經濟理性為思考,以上均取代了宗教的建立普遍性同胞愛關係的原則,於是產生衝突。 然而教育機構自成立後,便透過校友的回饋形成自給自足的固有法則,為延續其生命而努力,而宗教面臨以暴力為後盾的政治力量也必須歸順之,同時若沒有配合政府的經濟發展的需要及校友的資金投入,宗教團體也無法繼續擁有一個穩定的宣教場域,因此宗教必須妥協於教育、政治、經濟的力量,才得以存活。 About one-tenth of universities in Taiwan have a Christianity background; they are established by religious groups or individuals. These religious schools face different challenges at founding due to the distinctive social, economical and political status of Taiwan. St. John’s University (Former Hsin-Pu College of Technology) is one of these schools. It was founded in 1967 and till now it is still the only university of technology founded by religious groups. With the basis of the sociologist, Weber, Max’s theory and “Religious Rejections of the World and Their Directions", this article inspects the obstacles this school has met at its founding stage due to the conflicts between politics and religion, In order to find out the conflict and compromise relationship of religious, political, economic, and cognitive aspects in the education field and how action takers bear religious and secular based tensions by taking ethical actions.
Hsin-Pu College of Technology was founded by Taiwan Episcopal Church with the assistance of Shanghai St. John’s University and St. Mary’s collage alumni in Taiwan. This article first discusses Episcopal Church’s effort in school founding in China, then investigates general and religious education of St. John’s University. Finally, this article probes into the effects of St. John’s establishment on Taiwan Episcopal Church. Data is collected through historical literatures and interviews with related individuals.
Research indicates that religious groups, through ways of educational institutions establishment, aims to propagate religion. However, the establishment of education institutions will aid in the development of self-operating principles while in search for cognitive and organization structures beneficial for self-developments. Alumnae that support the secular values continue to be cultivated. Alumnae acquires spiritual or material benefits in this world will also contribute to the school.
Moreover, religious groups that have established schools are often viewed as threats to national pride and godhood of political leaders, the government often attempts to monitor education institutions through military management. Religion therefore becomes a rival of politics. Schools become tools of profit and drift away from their original aim to promote religion because they need to meet economical needs which rely on tuitions and donations. After establishment, these religious educational institutions rely on alumni recompense. Also, in order to survive, these religious educational institutions often have to submit to the brute force from the politics. Religious groups cannot ensure stable preaching environments without cooperating with the government’s economic development needs, and funding from alumnae. Thus, religion must find a way to compromise with the force of education, politics, and economy for survival. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 宗教研究所 91156005 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0911560053 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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