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    Title: 藝術數位圖書館推廣利用之研究—以國立臺灣藝術大學圖書館為例
    A Study of Library Resources Application on Digital Arts Library — A Case Study of the National Taiwan University of Arts Library
    Authors: 曾聖峰
    Tseng, Sheng-Feng
    Contributors: 胡歐蘭
    Chou, Nancy Ou-lan
    Tseng, Sheng-Feng
    Keywords: 數位圖書館
    Digital Library
    Digital Museum
    Web-Based Instruction
    Online Education Resources
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:57:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 資訊科技的演進與網際網路的發展,使得知識的生產、保存與傳播,產生了革命性的變化。各類強調多元、即時、便利、互動的全球資訊網,正逐漸成為各級教育機構所倚重的教學資源。在大學教育面臨科技進化、社會變遷等結構性的影響,而必須順應時勢,大幅進行改革之際;大學圖書館自然也必須在資訊服務的方法與模式上,加以因應改進,才能滿足教師與學生在研究、教學的資訊需求。
    The evolutions of information science and technology and the developments of the Internet cause the revolutionary changes in production, preservation and dissemination for knowledge. Each kind of World Wide Web emphasizes diversification, immediateness, convenience, and interaction, and have gradually become the education resources for all levels of education organizations. When universities face the fundamental influences with technical evolutions and social transitions, and keep up with the current situation, to carry on reforms with great exertion, the university libraries also must improve their effectiveness in the information service methods and the patterns to satisfy information needs for teachers and students in the activities of research and teaching.
    This research discusses the related issues about the digital library, the digital museum, the web-based instruction, and e-learning and investigate on the basis of the reinforcement for promotion and utilization of "Digital Library and Virtual Gallery" implemented by National Taiwan University of Arts(NTUA) Library, the feasible models and effectiveness analysis for university libraries integrate learning environment and the establishment of the online education resources system according to the needs of universities in teaching and research, so as to be useful reference for NTUA to design online education resources system and for other academic organizations as the impetus to similar projects in the future.
    The first chapter shows the research motivation, purposes and brings up the research questions. The second chapter explains the meanings and universal developments of the digital library, the digital museum, and the web-based instruction and illustrates the developments and system functions of "Digital Library and Virtual Gallery" of NTUA library. The third chapter explains the research methods, limitations, the selection of respondents for in-depth interviews, and stages of the study. The fourth chapter presents the conclusions of the interview notes. In the end, the fifth chapter brings up conclusions based on the results of this research and offers the suggestions for the future growth according to the promotion of "Digital Library and Virtual Gallery" of NTUA library and services of online education resources.
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