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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/33525

    Title: Web 2.0概念與技術在我國檔案典藏單位應用之研究
    A Study on the Use of Web 2.0 Conception and Technology for Archives in Taiwan
    Authors: 林國勳
    Lin, Guo Syun
    Contributors: 薛理桂
    Hsueh, Li Kuei

    Lin, Guo Syun
    Keywords: 檔案典藏單位
    Web 2.0
    Archival Repository
    Archive Management
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:57:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著電腦和網路的發展,檔案也由傳統之紙本檔案發展至紙本與電子檔案雙軌並存之方式。Web 2.0提供了比以往Web 1.0更多元豐富且便利的網站經營和使用方式,目前已經被廣泛地運用在各類型網站中,在現在以及未來之網路環境中將可以預見的是—網站將不再只是為了讓使用者取得特定的內容資訊,而會更重視使用者與網站管理者,以及使用者彼此間的互動性關係。因此要如何在資訊日新月異的電腦和網路時代將檔案服務與網路加以結合,透過Web 2.0技術之發展在這一方面的應用有突破便是值得我們加以思考和探討之方向。

    本研究目的分為四項:一、探討Web 2.0概念與包含之技術;二、探討國外檔案界對於Web 2.0網站的使用現況與經驗;三、探討目前國內檔案典藏單位網站所提供之服務內容;四、探討哪些Web 2.0網站技術適用於國內的典藏單位。

    本研究首先透過文獻分析法彙整並探討Web 2.0與Library 2.0相關文獻,其後使用深度訪談法由訪談之機關檔案典藏單位與國家檔案典藏單位所獲得之資訊加以彙整分析。最後結合文獻與訪談資料內容進行綜合分析後提出四項結論:一、Web 2.0具有彌補共享及互動不足,提升使用率和豐富性之優勢;二、國外多個國家檔案館已經提供Web 2.0之服務;三、檔案典藏單位網站面臨之問題與解決方式;四、適合融入國內檔案典藏單位網站的Web 2.0服務項目。

    最後依據研究之結論提出五點建議:一、建立機關檔案典藏單位網站一套完整之制度或規範;二、充實檔案典藏單位在網站管理之專職人力;三、加強檔案典藏單位網站服務與推廣;四、培訓檔案管理人員對Web 2.0之認識與應用;五、針對Web 2.0服務於檔案典藏單位網站進行小規模實驗計畫。
    Along with develop of computer and network, archives are come from only paper made to both of paper made archives and electronic records. Web 2.0 provides more comfortable and convenient ways of website manage and use than Web 1.0, it has more and more use in any kind of website now. Website will not only provide information for user to read in future, but also place importance on the interaction between website manager and user. So how do we use Web 2.0 to combine archive service with network will be an important question.

    The thesis aims to: (1) Web 2.0 conception and technology; (2) the using of Web 2.0 in archive websites in the world; (3) the situation of archival repository websites in Taiwan; (4) what kinds of Web 2.0 technology are useful for archival repository websites in Taiwan.

    The thesis apply literature analysis in Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 first, then interview eight archives in Taiwan. At last generalize five conclusions from literature and interview information: (1) Web 2.0 has an advantage position on sharing and interaction, to promote website utility rate; (2) many national archives in the world are already provide Web 2.0 website; (3)problems and resolutions of archival repository websites in Taiwan; (4)useful Web 2.0 service in archival repository website in Taiwan.

    Finally, the thesis provide five suggestions: (1) establish a complete website system for organization archival repository; (2) provide more sole duty staffs to website management; (3) enhance archival repository website service and advertisement; (4) the training of Web 2.0 and information education to archive managers; (5) give a small experiment on the useful of Web 2.0 using in archival repository websites in Taiwan.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095155015
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