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    Title: 社區資源應用於鄉鎮圖書館之研究
    A Study on the integrating community resources to the marketing of rural libraries
    Authors: 洪聖傑
    Hung, Sheng Chieh
    Contributors: 楊美華
    Yang, Mei Hwa
    Hung, Sheng Chieh
    Keywords: 鄉鎮圖書館
    rural library
    community resources
    library marketing
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:57:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 鄉鎮圖書館與社區充分合作,使圖書館成為社區資源中心,是目前鄉鎮圖書館經營的重要目標。但是其中仍有許多問題尚待解決,包括鄉鎮圖書館對社區資源的認識不足與經費、人力資源的缺乏等,都形成鄉鎮圖書館發展的阻礙。因此本研究期望藉由對與社區結合有良好成效之圖書館進行研究,探討其運用社區資源行銷圖書館之經驗,以作為未來鄉鎮圖書館經營之參考。
    Rural libraries had become community resource centers after cooperated with communities. This is an important goal to the present rural library. However, there are still many issues to be resolved, including the lack of awareness of community resources and funding, human resources lacked. These problem formed obstacles to the development of rural libraries. This research focus on the marketing experience from those rural libraries which integrating community resources well, and expected to provide good examples to the future rural library’s management.
    The purpose of this study is to understand the successful marketing experience of rural libraries. The themes are as follows: (1) How rural library explore the community resources and to seek cooperation? (2) What types of community resources utilization? (3) What kinds of the benefits brought by integrating community resources to the rural library marketing? (4) What kind of difficulties will appear in the process of marketing? (5) How rural library respond to these problems?
    This study used case studies and interview as the research methodology. The interview objects are choosen from the rural libraries in Taipei and Ilan County, including Shenkeng, Wanli, sindian, Nanao, Ilan and Jhuangwei. The interviewer contains the rural library staff and the community members.
    For the community resources exploring, the rural library should have three priorities: (1) understanding the community resources fully, (2) managing public relations actively, (3) the cooperation among library and the community must be mutual beneficial. The type of community resources that rural libraries use can be divided into four categories:(1) culture Resources, (2) institutional resources, (3) human resources; (4) natural resources.
    The benefit which brings for the library including (1) the reading population growth; (2) establishes the characteristics of library; (3) increases the populace’s sympathy to the library. The benefit brings for the community includes (1) promotion the reading atmosphere; (2) provides the opportunity for populace to grow and study (3) impetus to community develops.
    The problems that the rural Library may faced in the process of marketing including (1) lack of resources, (2) the different perception between library and community, (3) political interference in professional, (4) lack of innovation and action. In order to solve these problems, rural libraries should (1) play important role to integrate community resource, (2) enhance interaction with the community, (3) promote government officer’s attention to the library.
    Finally, the suggestions for future development about the integrating community resources to the rural library marketing are as follow: (1), the reform of rural library system, let the library management follow the professional practice. (2) government should pay attention to the development of rural libraries continuously, and provide appropriate assistance, (3) rural libraries should establish its own mission, play important role in community development, (4) construct and integrate the community resources database, (5) strengthen the training of personnel to meet the real demand.
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    二、 英文部分
    (一) 專書
    1. Barker, Robert L. The Social Work Dictionary, 2nd ed. National Association of Social Workers Publication, 1991.
    2. Fisher, Patricia H. and Pride, Marseille M. Blueprint for Library Marketing Plan: A Guide to Help You Survive and Thrive. Chicago: American Library Association, 2006.
    3. Hanna, Patricia B. People Make it Happen: the Possibilities of Outreach in Every Phase of Public Library Service. Hanna Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1978.
    4. Hart, Keith. Putting Marketing Ideas into Action. London: Library Association Publishing, 1999.
    5. Kotler, Philip and Andreasen, Alan R. Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations. 5th ed. N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1996.
    6. Rados, David L. Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations. 2nd ed. London: Auburn House,1996.
    7. Walters, Suzanne. Library Marketing That Works!. N.Y.: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc, 2004.
    8. Weingand, Darlene E. Future-Driven Library Marketing. Chicago: American Library Association, 1998.
    9. Weingand, Darlene E. Marketing/Planning Library and Information Service. Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 1987.
    10. Woodward, Jeannette. Creating the Customer-Driven Library: Building on the Bookstore Model. Chicago: American Library Association, 2005.
    (二) 期刊論文
    1. Adeyoyin, Samuel O., “Strategic planning for marketing library services” Library Management 26:8/9 (2005):494-507.
    2. Dragon, Andrea C. “Marketing and the Public Library,” Public Library Quarterly 4 (Winter 1983):37-46.
    3. Gupta, Dinesh K. and Jambheker, Ashok, “What is Marketing in Libraries? Concepts, Orientations, and Practices,” Information Outlook 6:11(Nov. 2002):24-30.
    4. Halverson, Kathleen and Plotas, Jean, “Creating and Capitalizing on the Town/Gown Relationship: An Academic Library and a Public Library form a Community Partnership,” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 32:6 (Nov. 2006):624-629.
    5. Hilyard, Nann B. “Community Partnerships,” Public Libraries 43:3 (May 2004):147-152.
    6. Lifer, Evan St. “Creating effective marketing strategies” Library Journal 126:6 (Apr. 2001):62.
    7. Lin, Chih-feng P. “Marketing Management of Information Agency–form Viewpoints of Consumptive Culture.”in Proceedings of International Conference on Public Library Management and Service Trends, Taipei 24 October 2007, edited by Taipei Public Library, 2007.
    8. Sass, Rivkah K. “Marketing the worth of your library” Library Journal 127:11 (Jun. 2001):37-38.
    9. Warnaby, Gary and Finney, Jill. “Creating customer value in the not-for-profit sector: A case study of the British Library,” International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 10(Aug 2005):187-191.
    10. Will, Barbara H. “The public library as community crisis center” Library Journal 126:20 (Dec. 2001):75-77.
    (三) 網路資源
    1. Leisner, Tony. “Should Libraries Engage in Marketing?”61st IFLA General Conference, Conference Proceedings, 20-25 August 1995, <http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla61/61-leit.htm> (13 Oct. 2007).
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