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    Title: 我國檔案典藏單位危機管理之研究
    A Study on Crisis Management of Archival Repositories in Taiwan
    Authors: 王昉晧
    Wang, Fang Hao
    Contributors: 薛理桂
    Hsueh, Li Kuei
    Wang, Fang Hao
    Keywords: 檔案典藏單位
    Archival Repository
    Archive Management
    Crisis Management
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:56:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   檔案是人類智慧資產累積的成果,真實記錄了人類文明發展的歷程,為後世留下真實、原始的歷史軌跡,更是體現知識經濟的重要資源。因此,對於檔案的妥善保存與有效開發使用,是發揮檔案價值的重要方法。而身處於不確定的年代,危機管理的觀念是十分重要的議題。如何在緊急突發的災難與危機中,有效降低傷害,並加速善後、復原及重建等工作,甚至在平日做好危機預防、偵測及演練等預防措施,都是現代組織經營管理中非常重要,且不可或缺的課題。
      Archives are made up of records which have been accumulated over the course of an individual or organization`s lifetime. For knowledge-based economy, archive is an important resource. Therefore, preservation and usability of archives are essential issues for archivists. In an uncertain era, the concept of crisis management is a very considerable subject. Nowadays, it is an important and essential issue for the modern organizational management. Archivists care about how to reduce damage, handle the aftermath of the incident, recover and reconstruct in crisis work, and set up the preventive measures such as prevention, detection and exercise.
      The thesis is to investigate the general situation on crisis management of archival repositories in Taiwan, and combine the theory and practical needs. I apply literature analysis in crisis management of archival repositories, case study in two archival crises which occurred in Taiwan, and interview six archival repositories. Finally, the thesis provides a reference model of crisis management for the archival repositories in Taiwan.
      The findings of the thesis are as follows: (a) Main archival repositories have paid attention to crisis management, (b) There are several rules of crisis management, but the integrated plans are rare, (c) The information security is sufficient in government departments, (d) The managements are frustrated about the limitation of support and the uneven professional level of primary staffs.
      The following are my suggestions. First, Government departments should attach importance to crisis management of archival repositories and provide support. Second, archival repositories should establish the exchange of crisis management experience and cooperative mechanism. Third, archival repositories should develop the crisis management plans as soon as possible. Besides, I recommend three methods on the management plans which are as following: (a) Crisis detection and prevention. (b) Regular education, training and exercise. (c) Standard operating procedures on crisis dispose, (d) Inform the crisis instantly and exactly.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094155014
    Data Type: thesis
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