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    Title: 電子預印本開放取用對學術傳播之影響:以物理學門為例
    Impact of E-print Open Access on Scholarly Communication of Physicists in Taiwan
    Authors: 吳瑩月
    Wu, Ying-Yueh
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei-Ling
    Wu, Ying-Yueh
    Keywords: 電子預印本
    scholarly communication
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:55:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 學術傳播是各學門領域研究人員傳遞學術資訊與研究成果的過程,藉由此過程的不斷循環、創新,人類知識也隨之逐步往前推進。傳統以正式學術出版為主的學術傳播體系,近年來由於期刊價格高漲與市場壟斷等問題,引發所謂學術傳播危機,因應而生的開放取用運動,則憑藉著電腦與網路科技發展,期待為學術傳播帶來新的發展面向,而其中電子預印本開放取用亦成為學術資訊傳播交流的重要選項之一。
    Scholarly communication is a process for researchers in different subject areas to spread research information and results. With continuous circulation of the information and innovation of the process, human knowledge then keeps progress. Recently, scholarly communication has been in serious crisis due to the highly increasing price of the periodical and the problem of market monopolization. Open Access is then developed and expected to bring constructive development for scholarly communication by taking advantage of computer and network technology. E-print archive also gives an important option for circulation and communication of academic information.
    E-print archive provides the function of search and full-text access and forms a free and open mode of scholarly communication under electronic environment. Researchers can transmit newest research results rapidly and broadly. Several research results show that e-print archive plays a new role in evolution of scholarly communication. In addition, there is difference in development of e-print archives between different subject areas. The first and most popular e-print archive is constructed and used by physicists, and therefore physics is chose as an example in this research. The role and function of e-print, the recognition and utilization to e-print archives for physicists in Taiwan are investigated.
    Research result shows that physicists in Taiwan have used e-print archive for a long time and in widespread. The number of e-print published and cited is steadily increasing year by year. However, there is difference in the utilization amount between different subject areas. E-print archive improves the speed and the scope of the scholarly communication and is a revolutionary development. Most interviewees agree that e-print archive really impacts the using rate of formal published journals. In addition, more than 90% interviewees agree that the e-print archive really improve the way of communication.
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