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    Title: 大學圖書館應用社會性軟體之研究
    The Application of Social Software in the Academic Library
    Authors: 王盈文
    Contributors: 楊美華
    Keywords: 社會性軟體
    Social Software
    Instant Messaging
    Digital Reference Services
    Library Blog
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:54:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 即時通訊(Instant Messaging,IM)和部落格(Blog)是近來廣受應用的社會性軟體(Social Software, SS)。面對網路世代的發展趨勢,圖書資訊學界亦開始探討網路科技對資訊服務所帶來的衝擊,特別是以年輕族群為服務對象的大學圖書館,若能適當地利用社會性軟體,不僅可做為館員與使用者溝通的橋樑,亦有助於館員組織其工作,成為促進圖書館在網路時代拓展服務和提高價值地位之利器。



    Instant Messaging (IM) and Blog are two kinds of the Social Software extensively used recently. While facing the trend and development of network generation, the field of library and information science also began to discuss the impact of network technology on information services, especially the academic libraries of serving young undergraduate. If used appropriately, social software not only can bridge the communications between librarians and users, but also benefit librarians to organize their works effectively. Moreover, it can become the powerful tool of facilitating libraries to extend services and enhance value in the network age.

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the applications of social software in the academic libraries. Using IM and Blog as subjects, the study tries to understand how academic librarians use those two social software, analyze their viewpoint of applying both in the field of library and information science, and further discuss the issues of using IM reference services and Library Blog at the academic libraries in the United States and Taiwan for the application of social software in the field of library and information science. The “Internet questionnaire” and “Case study” were used, followed by quantitative and qualitative method to discuss and analyze the use, viewpoint and the application models of IM and Blog.

    The findings shows: (1) Academic librarians had used IM extensively, but rather for personal matters; (2) IM can be used for communications among library organizations and digital references services; (3) IM application is the trend of information services, but manpower issues and management must be addressed; (4) Academic librarians had experiences in Blog establishment and most librarians built their Blog based on free service platforms; (5) Library Blog can be used for the extension of library services; (6) Library Blog could be a new portal of information service, but the human resources, maintenance, management and education training need to be seriously considered; (7) The application of IM reference services and Library Blogs had been highly developed in American academic libraries which can be good models for the libraries in Taiwan; (8) The IM reference service would achieve better success if it goes across work day an holiday, and provides diversified software , downloading and manuals for users’s option; (9) Library Blog shall well employ Blog functions to combine with library services and enhance the visibility of information services.

    Finally, the conclusions were made: (1) Academic libraries should actively promote IM reference services; (2) Training librarians for IM reference service skills, develop talented person for reference consulting services; (3) Using IM to communicate and coordinate among library staffs; (4) Establish Library Blog to provide virtual service; (5) Library Blog should properly use RSS and link the Blogs within the field of library and information science to develop real-time and innovative information services; (6) Design Blog educational training courses for different levels to develop maintaining and managerial skills of librarians; (7) Observing the trend of social software development and evaluate its implementation periodically; (8) Library and information science schools should conduct course on social software, and encourage teachers and students to apply it effectively.
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