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    Title: 傳播學門大學生資訊素養能力的研究
    A Study of Information Literacy Competencies for Undergraduate Students in Communication
    Authors: 柯雲娥
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Keywords: 資訊素養
    Information Literacy
    Information Literacy Competency
    Media Literacy
    Higher Education
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:54:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 資訊技術與通信科技的發展,將人類文明自工業社會帶入後工業社會的資訊社會,於資訊社會中,資訊已成為現代人生活的必需品,尤其,網際網路的興起,猶如個資訊海,充斥著各式各樣的資訊,雖然帶來生活上的便利與充實,但是大量的資訊卻也帶來人們的壓力,為免於落伍,不會為社會所淘汰,因此,資訊社會中持續地追求新知、不斷學習,已成為未來的生活方式。資訊和知識的最大差別,在於資訊只是經過整理的數據,而知識卻是經過反思消化後融入個人的知識體系□,如何將資訊轉化為知識,是身處知識經濟時代中個人不可或缺的能力。
    The development of information and communication technology had brought forth human being’s information society from industrial society to post-industrial society. In the information society, the information has already become the part of the necessities of everyday life especially after the blooming of the world wide web. WWW, like an information ocean, provides a rich, easy, and various information. People are not only enjoying the benefits of information utilization from it, but also feel the stress from the massing information. It has already become a life pattern that people keep on learning new knowledge in order to prevent elimination from the modern information society. The major difference between information and knowledge is that information is sort of formulated materials, whereas knowledge is integrated to individual knowledge base after personal recognizing. For people in the modern knowledge economical century, it seems extremely important to get competency of transfer information to knowledge.
    For Communication field, it has changed the communication media type and communication theory due to the applications of computer mediated communication and internet utilization; furthermore, has influenced the entire communication education. The research paradigm has shifted from the declarative knowledge to procedural and context knowledge, which has provided the problem oriented knowledge and the information handling knowledge. Student needs to equip with environment analysis and problem tracing capabilities. It is called “information literacy” which is a set of abilities to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information. Hence, being a communication undergraduate student in the modern society, what should owns the competencies of information literacy in order to meet the requirements of the workplace and to bridge the gap of digital divide between human beings.
    This thesis explored the information literacy competencies for undergraduate students in communication applying by Delphi methodology. The Delphi panel collaborated with several communication experts, library information experts and academic librarians. Information literacy competency was carried out the following five facets: information needs recognition, information access ability, information evaluation capability, information utilization ability, and information ethics ability. The study was ended when all participants’ opinions had reach consensus or stability after three rounds of questionnaire survey.
    Results from experts’ consensus included that: (1) recognized the definition of information literacy in communication, (2) constructed the 81 items of information literacy indicators for the communication, (3) understood the application status for ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education in Taiwan and (4) acquired the features of information literacy competency of the communication. Finally, it was suggested to build up the local information literacy competency standards, to reinforce the communication curriculum design, to provide the guidance for the library instruction program, and to plan forward the information literacy educational curriculum resource materials.
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