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    Title: 我國歷史檔案館藏檢索系統在Web環境中建置之研究
    A Study of the Construction of the Historical Archival Retrieval Systems in the Web Environment
    Authors: 張淑惠
    Contributors: 薛理桂
    Keywords: 歷史檔案
    Historical Archives
    Archival Retrieval Systems
    Information Retrieval
    Information Needs
    User Study
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:53:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   本研究主要在瞭解國內歷史檔案館藏於Web 環境中建置的規劃過程與執行內涵,主要以國內現正進行國科會「數位典藏國家型科技計畫」且已規劃建置Web檔案檢索系統的中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館為研究對象,探討其Web檔案檢索系統之建置內涵。本研究雖係以近史所檔案館為例,但期望藉由對該館建置經驗之探討,提供國內各歷史檔案主管與典藏單位參考。研究目的包括:探討Web環境中歷史檔案館藏檢索系統建置工作的內涵、Web檔案檢索系統介面的功能與特性、使用者對檔案檢索系統的使用習慣、模式與需求情形,並針對檔案館工作人員、資訊技術人員之Web檔案檢索系統建置作業思維觀點予以並列比較,進而與使用者之檔案資訊檢索需求進行對照比較,作為國內歷史檔案館藏Web檢索系統設計與建置之參考。
      This study aims at understanding the planning process and the implementation of web-based historical archive construction in Taiwan by investigating the National Digital Archives Program that is being run by the National Science Council (NSC) and the contents of construction of the achieves of Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, whose retrieval system was completed. Though the study was based on modern history archives, it is hoped that the study can be a reference of construction for competent units and owners of history archives. The objective of the study is to investigate the contents of construction of Chinese web-based retrieval systems for historical archives; their functions and characteristics; and the habits, behavioral patterns and needs of users. A contrastive study between thoughts and opinions of web-based retrieval system construction of archive crews and IT personnel and the needs of users has been conducted to provide a reference for planning and construction of web-based retrieval system for history archives in Taiwan.
      In-depth interviews were conducted with librarians in charge of the Digital Archives of the Diplomatic and Economic Records in Modern History Project, and with IT personnel of the Computer Center of Academia Sinica engaging in the construction of the archival system. Moreover, users of diplomatic files were interviewed for related topics. A comparison of the thoughts and opinions on web-based retrieval system of archive crews and IT personnel has been conducted. Needs and views of users have been analyzed. Finally, a contrastive study between the views on system function construction of archive crews and IT personnel and the opinions of users has been conducted in order to find out the important characteristics and functions of we-based Chinese archive retrieval systems.
      Based on the research findings, conclusions were made from the following two aspects: system construction and user needs. System constructions are: (1) file description and recording: establishing construction policies for file recording systems, coordinating and integrating the operation workflow of the existing operation environment and recording system, and responding to problems arising out of file description and recording; (2) file authority control: comparing the efficiency of file authority control solutions, and selecting and evaluating the feasibility and solution of collaborative construction of authoritative files; (3) file transfer protocol: focusing on the importance of international protocols and integrated retrieval, and drafting core columns to promote the realization of joint indexing and integrated retrieval; (4) web-based retrieval system user interface: drawing out principles of design for the user interface of web-based retrieval systems, planning functions for the user interface of web-based retrieval systems, and applying reliable operation management of web-based retrieval systems; (5) handling of value-added retrieval of file information: enriching topic file introduction in accordance with junior and senior high school textbooks, producing statistics on and analyzing system user log files and studying the information retrieval pattern of users, combining the manpower of researchers to produce depth description of files, and enhancing the efficiency and optimizing the service of value-added retrieval with information technology; and (6) the trend of Chinese web-based retrieval systems of historical archives: sharing the experience in planning and construction of other archives home and abroad and promoting exchange and cooperation with them over the web, and making close contacts with IT personnel to facilitate system planning and construction. Conclusions on user needs were made according to “the user’s views and experiences of uses of web-based file retrieval systems” and “analysis on the contents of user’s needs for web-based file retrieval system”. Regarding user’s views on and experiences of uses for web-based file retrieval systems, conclusions were reached according to the user’s information attainments, experience of system uses, paths and manners of file retrieval, overall requirements for file and information retrieval, use of options in file retrieval systems, comments on file and information retrieval, problems encountered in retrieving files and information, and expectations from web-based file retrieval systems. As to the analysis of the contents of user’s needs for web-based file retrieval system of users, conclusions have been drawn according to the needs for overall framework; information contents; information retrieval functions; information output functions; information display functions; and information retrieval.
      Based on the research findings, suggestions have been made according to “system construction” and “user needs”. Suggestions about system construction include: (1) establishing standards for digital archives and information retrieval systems; (2) setting up an official website for processing characters that do not exist in regular font sets; (3) developing a knowledge base for accumulating IT development achievements; (4) describing and recording files with “level control” according to the “principle of respect des fonds”; (5) constructing a file authority database under collaboration; (6) following the file transfer protocols to meet the requirements of internal and external integrated retrievals; (7) making plans for the user interface of web-based file retrieval systems; (8) working out solutions for value-added file and information retrieval; and (9) drawing out central columns and promoting the realization of joint indexing and retrieval. Suggestions about user needs include: (1) establishing an integrated historical archive inquiry website; (2) applying IT and AI to strengthen file and information content analysis; (3) providing personalized file and information retrieval services; and (4) drawing out and developing value-added retrieval solutions.
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