Reference: | Apel, Karl-Otto之著作 Ⅰ. BOOKS 1.Transformation der Philosophie, Bd.Ⅰ&Ⅱ, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1973[1993] 2.Karl-Otto Apel: Selected Essays, vol. 1&2, ed. Eduardo Mendieta, Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, c1994-1996 3.Towards a Transformation of Philosophy, Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press, 1998 4.From a Transcendental-Semiotic Point of View, Manchester, U.K.; New York: Manchester University Press; New York: Distributed exclusively in the USA by St. Martin`s Press, 1998 5.The Response of Discourse Ethics to the Moral Challenge of the Human Situation as Such and Especially Today, Mercier Lectures, Louvain-la-Neuve, March 1999 6.Diskurs und Verantwortung: Das Problem des Übergangs zur postkonventionellen Moral, Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp, 1988 7.Diskursethik und Diskusanthropologie: AachenerVorlesungen, by Apel/ Marcel Niquet, Frieburg; München: Alber, 2002 Ⅱ. ESSAYS 1.“What is Philosophy? The Philosophical Point of View after the End of Dogmatic Metaphysics”, What is Philosophy? , C. P. Ragland and Sarah Heidt (eds.), New Haven: Yale University Press, c2001 2.“Is the Ethics of the Ideal Communication Community an Utopia? On the Relationship between Ethics, Utopia and Critique of Utopia”, The Communicative Ethics Controversy, Seyla Benhabib and Fred Dallmayr (eds.), Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990, pp. 23-59 3.“The Problem of a Universalistic Macroethics of Co-responsibility”, What Right does Ethics Have?: Public Philosophy in a Plauralistic Culture, Sander Griffoen (eds.), VU University Press, 1990, pp. 23-40 4.“Globalization and the Need for Universal Ethics”, European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 3, No, 2, May 2000, pp. 137-155 5.“My Intellectual Biography in the Context of Contemporary Philosophy”, 1998 6.“Universal Principles and Particular Decisions and Forms of Life”, Value and Understanding: Essays for Peter Winch, Raimond Gaita (eds.), London ; New York : Routledge, 1990 7.“On the Relationship between Ethics, International Law and Political-Military Strategy in Our Time: A Philosophical Retrospective on the Kosovo Conflict, European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 3, No, 2, May 2000 8.“Discourse Ethics as a Response to the Novel Challenges of Today’s Reality to Coresponsibility, Realism and Responsibility in Contemporary Ethics, F. Gamwell/W. Schweiker (eds.), The Journal of Religion, suppl. Vol. (1992/93) 9.“The Cartesian Paradigm of First Philosophy: A Critical Appreciation from the Perspective of Another(the Next?) Paradigm”, International Journal of Philosophical Studies Vol. 6(1), 1998, pp.1-16, Routledge 10.“Types of Rationality Today: the Continuum of Reason between Science and Ethics”, Rationality to-day : La rationalite aujourd`hui, Ottawa : University of Ottawa,Canada : University of Ottawa Press, 1979 (with dicussion, pp. 340-350) 11.“ A Planetary Macroethics foe Humankind: The Need, the Apparent Difficulty, and the Eventual Possibility”, Culture and Modernity: East-West Philosophic Perspectives, University of Hawaii Press, 1991 12.“Normatively Grounding “Critical Theory” through Recourse to the Lifeworld?” A Transcendental-Pragmatic Attempt to Think with Habermas against Habermas”, Philosophical Interventions in the Unfinished Project of Enlightenment, Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1992 關於Apel之二手英文資料 Benhabib, Seyla ——“In the Shadow of Aristotle and Hegel: Communicative Ethics and Current Controversies in Practical Philosophy”, Hermeneutics and Critical Theory in Ethics and Politics, Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1990 Dallmayr, Fred R. ——Twilight of Subjectivity: Contributions to a Post-individualist Theory of Politics, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, c1981 ——Critical Encounters: Between Philosophy and Politics, Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, c1987 Gamwell, Franklin I. ——“Habermas and Apel on Communicative Ethics”, Philosophy& Social Criticism, vol. 23 no. 2, 1997 Gorner, Paul ——Twentieth Century German Philosophy, Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000 Mendieta, Eduardo ——The Adventures of Transcendental Philosophy: Karl-Otto Apel’s Semiotics and Discourse Ethics, U.S.A.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002 Kettner, Matthias —— “Karl-Otto-Apel’s Contribution to Critical Theory”, The Handbook of Critical Theory, Oxford, U.K.; Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 1996 Wellmer, Albrecht ——The Persistence of Modernity: Essays on Aethetics, Ethics and Postmodernism, translated by David, Midgley, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991 其他英文參考資料 Gadamer, Hans-Georg ——Truth and Method, 2nd rev. edited and translation revised by Joel Weinsheimer and Donald G. Marshall, New York: Continuum, 1960[1994] The Routledge Companion to Semiotics and Linguistics, edited by Paul Cobley, London and New York: Routledge, 2001 中文參考書目(含期刊與論文,按作者姓氏筆畫排列) 王俊斌 《方法論的辯證與互補的可能性:論Karl-Otto Apel之先驗語用學與教育研究》,國立政治大學教育研究所博士論文,2002 林綺雲 《後現代世界中的阿佩爾》,臺北:洪葉文化,2000 林遠澤 〈包容性的共識或排他性的團結?站在哲學「語用學轉向」後的十字路上〉,《當代雜誌》,台北:合志文化,2002年11月,第183期,頁76-93 〈意義理解與行動的規範性:試論對話倫理學的基本理念、形成與限度〉,《人文及社會科學集刊》,第十五卷第三期,2003年9月,頁401-29 〈責任倫理學的責任問題-科技時代的應用倫理學基礎研究〉,《台灣哲學研究》第四期,2005年9月,頁297-343 洪漢鼎 《詮釋學史》,台北:桂冠,2002 〈當代詮釋學與實踐智慧概念〉,《社會理論學報》,香港理工大學應用社會科學學系,第一卷,第二期,1998年秋季 張鼎國 〈「實踐智」與新亞里思多德主義〉,《哲學雜誌》第19期,台北:業強,1997,頁66-84 〈海德格、高達美與希臘人〉,《哲學雜誌》第21期,台北:業強,1997,頁98-125 〈理解、詮釋與對話:從哲學詮釋學的觀點論多元主義〉,《多元主義》,台北:中研院社科所,1998,頁307-335 〈文化傳承與社會批判—回顧Habermas、Apel、Gadamer與Ricoeur間的詮釋學論爭〉,《國立政治大學哲學學報》第5期,台北:政大哲學系,1999 〈詮釋學論爭在爭什麼:理解對話或爭議析辯〉,《哲學雜誌》第34期,台北:業強,2001,頁32-61 〈「較好地」還是「不同地」理解﹖——從詮釋學論爭看經典註疏中的詮釋定位與取向問題〉,《中國文哲研究通訊》第9卷,第3期 〈論述倫理學中的「應用」與「責任」概念新探〉,2001,尚未發表 賴賢宗 〈阿培爾論先驗的規範奠基〉,哲思雜誌,第一卷第一期,1998年3月 〈阿培爾的言談倫理學中的「理性事實」與其對康德倫理學的繼承和批判〉,《現代哲學:理論與批判》,台北:師大書苑,1999年6月,頁87-107 |