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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/33440

    Title: 傳統英文閱讀教學與精讀及廣讀教學對於高職低成就生在克漏字測驗上之影響
    The Effects of Traditional, Intensive and Extensive Reading Instruction on Vocational High School Low Achievers in the Performance of Cloze Test
    Authors: 楊琇雅
    Yang, Hsiu Ya
    Contributors: 林啟一
    Lin, Chi Yee
    Yang, Hsiu Ya
    Keywords: 廣泛閱讀
    Extensive reading
    Intensiev reading
    Cloze test
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:36:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討傳統英文閱讀教學與精讀及廣讀教學對於高職低成就生在克漏字測驗上之影響,並從克漏字中的文法選項、單字片語選項、轉折語選項、及整體成績,來分析此三種教學法是否有不同成效。
    This study is intended to probe into the effects of traditional, intensive and extensive reading instruction on vocational high school low achievers in the performance of cloze test.
    Ninety-five language low achievers of the first grade at a northern vocational high school participated in this study. Their language proficiency was examined by the GEPT Elementary Level. After a three-month reading instruction, a 55-item cloze test was administered to these participants.
    The post-test indicated that the experimental groups improved significantly in grammar, vocabulary& phrases, and overall performance when compared with the control group. However, the improvement failed to reach the significant level for these two experimental groups. Besides, students in the experimental groups showed positive attitudes toward the reading activity and expressed willingness to be engaged in the reading activity in the future.
    The study could serve as a reference for language teachers in helping low achievers improve their cloze test performance, and provide insights into the feasibility of the extensive and intensive reading activity for low achievers.
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