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    Title: 國中師生認知風格與學生英語學習表現之相關研究
    The Relationship between Student-Teacher Cognitive Styles and Students` English Performance in Junior High School
    Authors: 廖惠君
    Contributors: 林啓一
    Keywords: 場地獨立

    field independence
    field dependence
    junior high school
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:36:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在討論台灣國中師生認知風格與學生英文學習表現的關係。此研究目的是要探討(1)不同認知風格的學生在英文學習表現上是否有顯著性的相關,(2)不同認知風格的老師在教學成效方面是否有顯著性的相關,(3)師生認知風格相符合的學生群和不相符合的學生群在英文學習表現方面是否有顯著性的相關。
    The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between student-teacher field-independence-dependence cognitive styles and students’ English performance in a Taiwanese junior high school. The purpose of this study was to explore: (a) different language tasks achieved successfully by students with different cognitive styles, (b) the teaching effectiveness of teachers with different cognitive styles, and (c) language performance under matching cognitive styles between students and teachers.
    Two hundred forty-two student participants and four teacher participants from a junior high school in Hsin-chu city were chosen in this study. The Hidden Figures Test (HFT) was conducted to measure the participants’ cognitive styles to be field independence (FI) or field dependence (FD). These 242 students took the General English Proficiency Tests (GEPT) with regard to listening, reading and writing. Interview was also given to both the student and teacher participants.
    The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Pearson product-moment correlations. The results show: (a) FI students performed better than FD students in the listening, reading and writing test, and there was a significant correlation between FI students and students’ English performance in the listening, reading and writing test; (b) students with FI teachers outperformed students with FD teachers in the listening, reading and writing test, but there was no significant correlation between teachers’ cognitive styles and students’ performance in the listening, reading and writing test; but when the data were re-tested between female groups and male groups, female students with FI teachers were found to perform better than those with FD teachers in the listening test, and there was a significant correlation between female with FI teachers and students’ performance in the listening test; (c) student-teacher FI/FD mismatch groups performed better than student-teacher FI/FD match groups in the listening, reading and writing test, but there was no significant correlation between student-teacher FI/FD mismatch groups and students English performance in the listening, reading and writing test; however, the further examination indicated that FD mismatch groups performed better than FD match groups in the listening and writing test, and there was a significant correlation between FD mismatch groups and students’ performance in the listening and writing test; and the further examination also revealed that FI students with FD teachers outperformed FD students with FD teachers in the reading test, and there was a significant correlation between FI students with FD teachers and students’ English performance in the reading test. The result of the interview revealed that FI match groups benefited from the teacher instruction while FD match groups benefited from the interpersonal aspect of the teachers.
    Pedagogically, the findings of the study suggested the necessity of the awareness of students’ and teachers’ cognitive styles; in addition, teachers were suggested to be cognitive-flexible, and teacher education programs were also advised to offer related language training to assist teachers in achieving cognitive flexibility. Further research should be conducted to understand to what extent field independence/dependence plays a role in how students learn and how teachers teach, hence providing more constructive insights for English language education.
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