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    Title: 以IEARN為主之專題導向式跨國互動EFL學習:以兩個國中班級為例之個案研究
    IEARN as Project-based Telecommunication Activities for EFL Learning: A Case Study on Two Junior High Classrooms
    Authors: 林淑媛
    Lin, Shu Yuan
    Contributors: 招靜琪
    Chao, Chin Chi
    Lin, Shu Yuan
    Keywords: 專題導向式學習
    project-based learning
    information technology (IT)
    computer-assisted language learning (CALL)
    Grade 1-9 Curriculum
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:33:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本質性個案研究目的在探討以國際教育網路社群IEARN進行專題導向式跨國互動EFL學習的英語教學設計。該學習方式與教學模式特性諸多符合九年一貫課程改革理念。然而,在國內文獻及研究顯示,極少英語教師進行專題式網路教學設計。本研究個案是國中兩名英語教師與其班導學生為期兩年半的跨國文化專題學習。從個案訪談與課室觀察中發現,資訊科技融入英語教學,教師具備高度科技能力並非必要考量,而是教學策略、班級經營、師生合作為首務。
    The purpose of this research is to understand the challenge of project-based telecommunication activities through the IEARN for EFL learning. The learning methods and teaching strategies of project-based learning (PBL) conform to the rationale of Grade 1-9 Curriculum reform. However, literature showed that very few EFL teachers became involved in PBL with information technology for instruction. This research, conducted as a case study in the qualitative methodology, describes how two junior high school English teachers and their homeroom students implemented PBL through international network and how they developed cross-culture awareness in half and two years. It was found that successful EFL learning infused with information technology relied much more on pedagogy, class management and teacher-student collaboration than on teacher`s computer skills.
    Based on the challenges and implement revealed in the process of PBL through telecommunication activities, the researcher gave suggestions to teachers, school administrators, educational authority and community for further improvement. The instructional innovation not only met educational reform standards but also developed EFL students` holistic learning in a lifelong fashion.
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