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    Title: 漢語連動句研究
    Aspects of Serial Verb Constructions in Mandarin
    Authors: 周奎宜
    Chou, Kuei Yi
    Contributors: 何萬順
    Her, One Soon
    Chou, Kuei Yi
    Keywords: 連動句
    serial verb constructions
    semantic correlations
    semantically dependent
    lexically restricted
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:30:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文研究漢語的連動結構。首先我們先將連動結構的定義做一個清楚的界定,之後再從動詞間的語意面著手,對連動結構中動詞間的語意關係,提出詳盡的說明與解釋。除此之外,根據連動句中詞彙的受限性以及動詞間的語意關聯性這兩個原則,我們再進一步將漢語的連動結構區分為四個類型。最後,我們從句法的層面切入來探討漢語的連動結構。我們認為不同的語意解讀是由於不同的句法結構所導致。
    This thesis investigates serial verb constructions (SVCs) in Mandarin Chinese. The serial verb constructions are often confused with other superficially similar structures; thus, the first objective of this study is to explicitly delimitate the definition of SVCs and to differentiate them from other structures. In addition, we will further explore the semantic relationship between the serial verbs and classify SVCs into several types according to the V1-V2 correlations, the independence between sub-events, and the lexical restrictiveness of the verbs. We will then analyze the syntactic relationship of the verbs. Finally, we also propose that there are two possible structures for SVCs in Mandarin.
    Chapter 1 is a brief introduction of the term “serial verb construction.” We will first go over its definitions, the functions it can convey, and the geographical distribution of languages with SVC. In Chapter 2, we will present the distinguishing characteristics of SVC and distinguish it from other similar structures. In Chapter 3, we will present different semantic correlations between the VPs. In Chapter 4, we will classify Mandarin SVCs into different subtypes based on the lexical and semantic criteria. Chapter 5 presents the tentative syntactic analyses of Mandarin SVCs. Chapter 6 concludes this paper.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0935550132
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