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    Title: 英語科克漏字測驗中的連貫性考題分析:以大學學力測驗與指定科目考試為例
    A Study of the Cohesion Items in the Cloze Tests of SAT and AST
    Authors: 鄭翕尹
    Contributors: 尤雪瑛
    Keywords: 克漏字
    cloze test
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:28:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探究大學學力測驗與指定科目考試中,有關「連貫性」 的克漏字試題(包括克漏字和文意選填測驗),藉以一窺台灣高中學生在這方面的表現,並進一步透過試題分析,學生表現,和題目鑑別度等細項,深入討論台灣高中英語教育中,老師和學生在課堂上可以加強的部分。
    In this study, we analyzed the multiple-choice rational cloze tests used in the Subject Ability Test (SAT) and Appointment Subject Test (AST) from 2002 to 2004. The item types were mainly analyzed according to the five cohesion types that Halliday and Hasan proposed in their 1976 research. Through these classifications, we gained better knowledge about whether the cohesion types affected the students’ performances. Furthermore, we also investigated the possible reasons.
    First of all, we refined the cohesion types proposed by Halliday and Hasan proposed in their 1976 research. In our study, the cohesion types we looked were conjunction, reference, and lexical cohesion. We wanted to find how the cohesive types were tested in the tests. From the analysis of cloze tests and the WYXT tests, the result we got was that lexical cohesion was tested more often than other cohesive categories.
    For the passing rate of SAT and AST, we found that the collocation test items were the easiest while the reference test items were the most difficult. According to Bachman (1982, 1985), Test items in Type 2 and 3 (repetition, conjunction, and reference) do have lower passing rates. This means students have difficulties in global cohesion. Furthermore, students had more difficulties in answering the test items located in the first or last sentence, which are usually associated with main ideas of the paragraph – a global concept. Therefore, the locations of the test items also had an influence on the passing rate.
    Lastly, for the discrimination index, those test items with low D value always co-occurred with low passing rate test items, meaning that difficult items fail to discriminate between different proficiency levels.
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