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    Title: 台灣國中學生英語字彙學習策略之研究
    An Investigation into English Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by Junior High School Students in Taiwan
    Authors: 鄭孟淳
    Cheng, Meng-chun
    Contributors: 黃麗儀
    Huang, Li-yi
    Cheng, Meng-chun
    Keywords: 字彙學習策略
    Vocabulary learning strategies
    Learning strategies
    Vocabulary learning
    Vocabulary learning achievement
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:27:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 字彙學習在語言學習上佔有非常重要的地位。本研究之目的旨在探究台灣國中學生在學習英語字彙時使用字彙學習策略的情形,首先,想了解各種不同字彙學習策略的使用頻率,並找出較常和較少使用的字彙學習策略,此外,想探討字彙學習策略的使用和字彙學習成就之間的關係,並找出不同字彙學習成就程度的學生在字彙學習策略使用上的差異之處。
    最後,本研究建議老師應該 (1)教導學生如何使用各種不同的字彙學習策略;(2)在介紹策略的時候要考慮學生的程度;(3)教導學生聯合使用「表層」及「深層」處理策略;(4)教學生猜測單字的意思後,要查字典;(5)提供互動的活動讓學生在自然的環境下學習字彙;(6)鼓勵學生獨立規劃自己的字彙學習。
    Vocabulary learning is of critical importance to language acquisition, whether the language is first, second, or foreign. After suffering from being neglected for decades, vocabulary learning and teaching now have attracted considerable attention in the field of ESL or EFL research. The interest of research has been particularly in studying learners’ approaches to vocabulary learning.
    The present study aims to investigate the kinds of vocabulary learning strategies used by JHS students in Taiwan. Moreover, it examines whether there is any relationship between JHS students’ vocabulary strategy use and their vocabulary learning achievement. The data were collected from 147 third-grade students from a junior high school in Miaoli by means of two materials. The Vocabulary Learning Strategy Questionnaire was designated to survey what kinds of vocabulary learning strategies JHS students used and how often. The Vocabulary Achievement Test was used to discriminate the participants into different levels in vocabulary learning achievement. Data analysis was performed by SPSS, including descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlations, and one-way ANOVA.
    The major findings of this study are summarized as follows. (1) JHS students as a whole are moderate users of vocabulary learning strategies. (2) JHS students use cognitive strategies most frequently and social strategies least frequently. (3) JHS students employ “shallow” processing strategies more often than “deep” processing strategies. They particularly favor repetition strategies and pay more attention to the form of a word. On the other hand, they seldom put words in a meaningful context or utilize imagery techniques. (4) JHS students’ vocabulary strategy use is strongly related to their vocabulary learning achievement. Students with better vocabulary learning achievement not only use a wider range of strategies but also use them much more frequently. (5) JHS students with the highest level of vocabulary learning achievement pay much more attention to textual context, dividing words into syllables, active use of the learning materials, the matching between spelling and sound, word classes, and the personalization of information. On the other hand, JHS students with the lowest level of vocabulary learning achievement pay much less attention to the sound of a word. (6) JHS students learn vocabulary strategies primarily from school teachers and their major reason for strategy choice is because of convenience and ease of employment. The strategies that they want to learn most have something to do with increasing authentic input.
    According to the findings, several pedagogical implications are suggested. Teachers should (1) help JHS learners to raise their awareness of vocabulary learning strategy use; (2) take JHS learners` individual differences, such as vocabulary learning achievement, into account when recommending strategies; (3) instruct JHS learners to increase using the “shallow” processing and “deep” processing strategies in combination; (4) guide JHS students to use the “guessing” and “dictionary” strategies in combination; (5) provide JHS students with more authentic input and communicative interaction for vocabulary learning; (6) encourage JHS students to take charge of their vocabulary learning and view it as a life-long process. If JHS students can be equipped with the abilities to employ appropriate strategies, they can build up vocabulary more effectively and efficiently on their own.
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