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    Title: 以詞彙功能語法分析中文的「移位矛盾」
    Movement Paradoxes in Mandarin Chinese: A Lexical-Functional Approach
    Authors: 顏婉玲
    Yen,Wan ling
    Contributors: 何萬順
    Her,One soon
    Yen,Wan ling
    Keywords: 移位矛盾
    Movement paradoxes
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 16:24:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文以「詞彙功能語法」來分析中文「移位矛盾」之現象,以Bresnan (2001)針對英文movement paradoxes以及Huang (1989),Her (1999)針對中文「移位矛盾」之研究為基礎,探討當述語所要求的典型的「名詞組賓語」被禁止出現時,將藉由體現為主題來滿足述語對賓語的要求,但並不是所有詞類的賓語都可以體現為滿足述語要求的主題。因此,本論文將中文中帶有移位矛盾現象的述語分為三大類,蒐集並分析這三大類述語在語料庫中的語料,將得以呈現只有名詞組、動詞組、句子以及帶有引介主題標記的介系詞組可以體現為主題。本論文更進一步為可以體現為主題的詞組建立一個階層,在此階層中位階最高的是名詞組,代表著名詞組在體現為帶有移位矛盾現象的述語之主題時,所受到的限制最小。除此之外,這個階層帶有遞移性,任一詞組若是可以體現為主題,則在階層中位階比該詞組高的詞組,也都可以體現為該述語的主題,反之則不一定成立。
    Based on Bresnan’s (2001) study of movement paradoxes in English and Huang’s (1989) and Her’s (1999) studies of movement paradoxes in Mandarin Chinese, this study discusses that when the prototypical NP object required by the predicate is forbidden to map to the OBJ function in the f-structure, this required NP argument must be realized as TOP identified with the missing OBJ to satisfy the Completeness and Coherence Conditions. However, not all category types of phrases can be realized as TOPs. Thus, this study classes the Mandarin Chinese predicates with movement paradoxes into three types; collect and analyze the data in the corpus. The analysis presents that only NP, VP, CP, and PP with topic-introducing marker can be realized as TOPs identified with the missing OBJ.
    Moreover, this study forms a hierarchy. The NP’s highest status in this hierarchy represents that it is the least restricted category type in being able to be realized as TOP of predicates with movement paradoxes. In addition, if one category type can be realized as TOP of one predicate, other category types with a higher priority can be realized as TOP of that predicate as well, but not vice versa.
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