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    Title: 「新三中」跨媒體集團資源整合與綜效—以【超級星光大道】之節目策略為例
    A Research on Resources Integration and Synergies Exploiting for “Neo-San Chung” Media Conglomerate: A Case Study of the TV Show “One Million Star” Programming Strategy
    Authors: 邱琬淇
    Chiu, Wan-Chi
    Contributors: 許瓊文
    Hsu, Chiung-wen (Julia)
    Chiu, Wan-Chi
    Keywords: 跨媒體集團
    media conglomerates
    resources integration
    programming strategy
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:42:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究關注跨媒體集團執行資源整合與綜效化經營導向之間的策略關係,並且聚焦電視節目經營的運作範圍。主要經由深度訪談的研究途徑,旨在透過個案節目:【超級星光大道】之實務分析,作為檢視中視、中天與中時所形成的「新三中」跨媒體集團之對照,藉以探究新三中資源整合的策略意涵,以及產出的綜效價值與相關影響,同時思考跨媒體集團於電視節目市場的經營邏輯與整合模式。

    This research concentrates on the interaction between implementing resources-integration and operating synergy-oriented strategies in media conglomerates, with focusing on television program management. Taking the TV show “One Million Star” as an empirical investigation with depth-interviewing approach, the study intends to analyze the media conglomerate “Neo-San Chung” which comprising CTV, CTiTV and China Times three media companies; the main purpose is to explore strategic meanings, synergy value and related influences behind the resources-integration in “Neo-San Chung”. Also, the research concerns about the governance logic and the model of integration in media market.

    According to the research, instead of systematic design and planning step by step, the managing process of the TV show by “Neo-San Chung” presents a changing condition varying with market circumstances. Meanwhile, the program’s performance and the conglomerate’s governance policy are crucial factors. Regarding the aspect of creating value, “One Million Star” produces advantages in each detailed layers of marketing, operating and managing synergies. However, the study notices that there are some derivative problems, such as difficulties in integrated management, conflicts in Journalism values, and especially the contradiction resulted from realizing synergy benefits. Although resources integration could bring media conglomerates positive synergy values, these problems reveal that negative synergy might arise simultaneously and become potential crisis.
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