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Title: | 論數位電視之收視率調查 |
Authors: | 江文軍 Chiang , Wen-Chun |
Contributors: | 鄭自隆 江文軍 Chiang , Wen-Chun |
Keywords: | 收視率調查 數位電視 |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 15:42:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 拜科技所賜,數位電視不再是一個夢幻名詞,而是一項正在發生的事情。數位電視的出現,絕對是傳播媒介的一大革命,因為電視將不再只是電視。當電視從類比發展到全數位化之時,整個媒體生態將產生巨變,影響的範疇包括:閱聽人的收視習慣、頻道的節目策略、收視率調查方法、政府相關法令以及廣告的新樣貌等。
一、 收視率內涵將從狹義變成廣義 二、 應發展出與各種新收視方式相對應的測量技術 三、 收視率的重要性將隨數位化發展而逐漸遞減 四、 ABR是執行收視率數據分析、處理的另一種可能機制 Advance of science and technology has created an illusion of digital TV reality. The debut of the digital TV is absolutely a breakthrough in the mass media as it is not merely a TV anymore. When the analogue TV was advanced into a digital one, the whole media ecology transformed, affecting categories of audience watching habits, tactics of program channels, the methods of conducting TV ratings, the new phase of related laws, as well as the styles of the advertisement services.
TV ratings, long been an important feedback mechanism, have resulted in affecting gigantic profits for TV companies, advertisers, and program producers, with the data offered, and hence in deciding the length of the programs. From the evolution of TV rating methods, we come to ascertain that TV rating poll has long been the direct outcome of conforming to the media environments. And, while TV development is self-variable, TV rating survey is responding variable. Consequently, the digitalization of TV system will result in the complication, difficulty, and unexpectedness of TV rating researches.
This thesis focuses on exploring how the intension of TV ratings under the digital TV environment would be relocated; and to comply with the digitalization, how the poll agencies would manage to adjust; and whether the advertisement interested parties, the ad agents, media buying houses would play the same important roles in media buying policies. And furthermore, in conducting TV ratings in the future, if there are any other possibilities in addition to the existing poll agencies.
As digitalization of TV system is not mature in Taiwan, the scope of poll has not extended to reach the area yet. This thesis, in which case, is outlined by means of interviewing professionals in terrestrial broadcasting companies, TV rating poll agencies, media buying houses, advertisement agencies, in addition to consulting scholars and experts. As a result, the findings fall as:
1. The intension of TV ratings will shift from narrow to broad senses.
2. Various corresponding measurement techniques should be devised.
3. The importance of TV ratings will gradually be decreasing.
4. ABR would be a possible mechanism to conduct data analysis and process. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣播電視學研究所 92453019 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0924530191 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [廣播電視學系] 學位論文
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