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    Title: 部落格的品牌社群經營與購買意願之關係研究
    A study of blog about relationship between brand community management and purchase intention
    Authors: 潘彥廷
    Contributors: 祝鳳岡
    Keywords: 品牌社群
    brand community
    blog marketing
    personal involvement
    purchase intention
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2009-09-17 15:39:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 藉由部落格來經營線上社群的情形已久,但這幾年在部落格上出現一種新的敘事呈現方式,亦即藉由圖文形式,透過詼諧手法來分享生活瑣事或人生觀念,同時以版主(即部落格經營者與圖文創作者)所發起之創意、話題接龍來不斷擴展並豐富部落格上的內容。而藉由圖文角色的創造與自由免費下載,這些圖文流通在部分即時通訊軟體當中,提高了這些圖文角色的曝光度,同時也為版主帶來商機。版主透過哪些方式來經營線上社群,並將之導入商業運作,為本研究之動機。



    There has been a new type of narration based on blog. That is, sharing trivial or thoughts of lives via interesting pictures with words, enriching content on the certain blog through sharing activities on gossips or ideas. The created characters expose through being used in certain instant message tool, which brought creator business.

    Based on literature review, the study built up an aspect to discuss managing on-line brand community, including blog marketing features, how much the community join activities. And we included personal involvement and purchase intention to discuss the relationships among these aspects. After processing questionnaires by factor analysis for pilot testing, then we retrieved 364 questionnaires for canonical correlation analysis to discuss the relationships among the aspects.

    In the outcome, it’s found that the relevancy on the blog for members is the most important one of the key success factors. Quantities’ data analysis indicated that the relevancy on the blog for members is the basis of information richness and interactivity. How much members join the activity is the key factor also, the way to announce the activity should be via interesting and easy rules; meanwhile, non-commercial determination activity takes major part. This kind of activity supposedly focuses on enhancing sense of joining, identification, and trust among members. By contrast, commercial determination activity should take minor part in content on the blog for fear of being excluded by given members since this kind of blog has been managed on the basis of non-commercially free downloading created characters. blogger could enhance the involvement by means of blog marketing features and how much members join the activity, then lift purchase intention of members toward the brand products.

    No effect has been made by gap of the awareness toward activity on personal involvement and purchase intention. Through observing the blog, it indicates that the activities held so far are relatively pure and easy, which means no complex and solid hierarchy has been set up in the activities; furthermore, blogger scales down members’ expectation of activities by using interesting and self-sarcastic approaches.
    Reference: 61
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