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Title: | 從廣告價值觀點檢視網路廣告中的強迫性感受對廣告效果之影響 Exploring the influence of intrusiveness on the effectiveness of internet advertising: Advertising Value model as the theoretical framework |
Authors: | 戴育旻 Dai,Yu-Min |
Contributors: | 張卿卿 Chang,Chingching 戴育旻 Dai,Yu-Min |
Keywords: | 網路廣告 強迫性感受 插播式廣告 廣告價值 反感論 internet advertising intrusiveness Interstitial Advertising Value Reactance |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 15:33:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 一向強調使用者自主性的網路媒體,卻也出現插播式廣告(Interstitial)這種強迫閱聽眾接收的形式,這種情形引發了研究者的興趣。相較於傳統媒體,已經賦予閱聽人部分自主權的情形底下,廣告主又想藉由形式的操弄強迫閱聽人接收,這可能引起的負面態度相對傳統媒體來說可能更為嚴重。因此,本研究首先欲探討插播式廣告的使用是否有其他優點,例如強迫接收的形式,會吸引更多注意的緣故而留下較深刻的印象,而讓廣告主在可能導致閱聽人反感的風險下仍願意使用。其二,插播式廣告的使用是否必然引起閱聽人產生被迫收看的感受,以及察覺到廣告主意欲操弄的意圖,進而降低說服效果。換言之,插播式廣告能否藉由提供閱聽人娛樂價值,因而避免負面態度的產生。
最後,我們以一個交換的觀點來貫穿整篇文章,決定閱聽人是否產生操弄意圖推論或強迫性感受,關鍵在於閱聽人付出以及得到了多少價值,如果能讓閱聽人感受到自己所獲得的價值多過所付出的代價,那麼閱聽眾是會原諒行銷者的操弄。 Comparing with other forms of media, the internet empowers audience with more freedom to choose what to see. However, it also emerged a new type of advertisement called, interstitial, which is commonly known as pop up. This kind of internet advertising forces audience to see advertisement whether they want or not. This phenomenon interests me to see what kind of effect this it will create for viewers., Since the audience once had the privilege to choose what they wanted to see, one of which is now seemed to be taken away from them, will this create negative feelings of the audience?
Firstly I would like to know if there’re any advantages for advertisers to use this kind of internet advertising under the risk of disfavor. I postulates that interstitial may draw more attention and leave more impression than a banner does because of its format. Secondly, interstitial will not necessarily cause intrusiveness and inferences of manipulative intent (IMI), if the advertisement can provide other form values such as information or entertainment.
The result supports my hypothesis partially. Firstly, interstitial does draw more attention than a banner. However, except for making people more impressed, no other difference has been found. Secondly, if interstitial contains entertaining value, it will not make audience feel intruded, IMI. ,and hostile attitude toward that advertisement. Whereas it will cause intrusiveness and IMI if the interstitial advertisement forces audience to see it without having any rewards. In this case it will reduce the advertising attitude in the audience.
Finally, we can use an ‘exchange of ideas’ to sum up the main idea of this paper. The audience will devote their efforts and time to processing the given message, if the interstitial can reward the audience with more than what they pay for. They will also forgive the advertisers for manipulating them. The key to decide whether the audience feels intruded or knows of IMI depends on how much the audience give and receive. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣告研究所 93452010 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093452010 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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