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Title: | 數位教學輔助系統設計-以國中幾何教學為例 |
Authors: | 李樺瑾 |
Contributors: | 張寶芳 李樺瑾 |
Keywords: | 互動設計 使用者經驗 數位學習 interactive design user experience e-learning |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 15:30:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 運用資訊及電腦科技的數位學習,漸漸改變許多人的學習方式。過去有許多數位學習之相關研究,大多從認知心理學、學習風格等學習理論面向,探討數位學習者的動機、參與態度、行為、滿意度、學習成效等;但是對於數位學習的內容應如何設計以達到滿意度與學習成效卻甚少研究,且使用者(教學者/學習者)在數位學習的設計過程中往往缺席。而事實上使用者的需求,才是數位學習設計的核心。 本研究以國中幾何為例,探討數位教學輔助系統之設計應如何融入學習活動。亦即以使用者為中心,了解其需求,考量上課情境及學習能力。於開發過程反覆請使用者評估並將回饋意見納入下一輪的設計。系統完成後,請使用者在課堂實際教學情境中運用本系統進行學習活動。 評估結果顯示,系統的內容與教學概念緊密扣連,其互動控制程度及回饋方式提供老師、學生可以逐步並重覆學習,達到教學目標。同時學生認為這樣的上課方式較專注、容易學習、新鮮有趣。因此,本研究所主張之設計方法達到實質成效,並且創造良好、愉悅的教學/學習經驗。 E-learning has shaped and transformed the ways people learn. Previous e-learning related researches have focused much on the motives, attitudes, behaviors, satisfactions and effectiveness of the learners. However, the users’ (teacher/learner) learning activities have never been taken into consideration during the e-learning design process. The research intends to bridge the gap between the learning activities and the design process. During the initial design stage, the researcher interviewed Math teachers from several junior high schools to identify the suitable e-learning subjects which are too abstract to teach otherwise. After the discussion, Geometry was chosen for the e-learning subject. Through the entire design cycle, whether or not the system meets the teaching objects, students’ learning capacities, and classroom environments were iteratively evaluated and modified. The math teachers were involved in the entire design process. At the end, the completed system was used by teachers in their real math classes. From the results of evaluation, we find that the e-learning system has highly linked to the teaching concepts. The system provides enough interactive controls and feedbacks that allow teachers and students’ to set their own paces to learn gradually or repeatedly. Students agree that this learning process helps them to concentrate more, and achieve better performances. In addition, this e-learning system through the proposed designing process causes a more positive, pleasure and effective learning/teaching experiences. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 93941023 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0939410231 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [EMA Program in Communication] Theses
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