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Title: | 財經雜誌品牌忠誠度指標建構 |
Authors: | 傅修平 |
Contributors: | 孫曼蘋 傅修平 |
Keywords: | 品牌忠誠度 品牌理論 財經雜誌 德菲法 Brand Loyalty Brand Theory Business Magazine Delphi Method |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-17 15:29:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究為補強雜誌媒體領域中對於品牌研究的不足,希望導入有關品牌忠誠度之相關研究,建構國內財經雜誌品牌忠誠度衡量指標,作為業界實際營運時的有效參考,未來則以此為基礎,發展其他類型媒體品牌忠誠度衡量指標。 研究採用修正式德菲法,將財經雜誌品牌忠誠度衡量指標分為行為指標與態度指標兩大面向,行為指標共有4項題項;態度指標則有12項題項。經兩回合專家問卷及專家訪談,研究結果顯示,行為指標共有4項指標「購買比率」、「購買順序」、「購買持續時間」、「閱讀比率」達到專家共識一致性與重要性之檢測標準;態度指標則有「購買意願」、「滿意度」、「品牌評價」、「推薦意願」、「品牌偏好」、「品牌信任」,以及「品牌承諾 / 堅持」等7項題項達到檢測標準。 研究建議,財經雜誌在衡量品牌忠誠度時,可依據通過檢測指標建構衡量題項,同時在實務工作上,以產品內容的專業性與精確性提升讀者購買與閱讀意願,並獲取讀者認同,提高讀者的滿意度與對該雜誌的評價、推薦意願,同時建立品牌偏好與品牌信任,自然可獲得讀者對於該雜誌品牌的承諾與堅持。 The study is aiming at consolidate the lack of brand study in the business magazine industry, and would like to introduce related research for constructing loyalty evaluation indexes of Taiwan business magazine brand, as well as to build up effective reference for practical operation. Then with the study base, we can develop brand loyalty evaluation indexes of other type magazine in the future. This study adopts “modified Delphi” and divides the brand loyalty evaluation indexes of business magazines into two dimensions: “behavioral indexes” and “attitudinal indexes”. The “behavioral indexes” consists four items and the “attitudinal indexes” consists 12 items. After completing two rounds of questionnaires, the result shows that there’re four “behavioral indexes” which are qualified for consistence and importance” by experts and scharlors of media marketing, including “percent of purchase”, “purchase sequence”, “duration time for purchasing” and “percent of reading”. Also, there’re 7 qualified “attitudinal indexes” including “purchase intention”, “brand satisfaction”, “brand evaluation”, “recommendation intention”, “brand preferences”, “brand trust” and “brand commitment / insistence”. The results suggest that business magazines may evaluate brand loyalty with these qualified indexes. From practical point, business magazine need to focus on the professionalism and accuracy of content as to improve readers’ purchase and reading intention, to get readers’ recognition, to boost readers’ satisfaction and recommendation as well. Meanwhile, once the brand preferences and brand trust are constructed, the business magazines get the readers’ brand loyalty as well. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 91941018 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0919410181 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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